emergency call

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It was now a little while later.

Everyone was now looking through different student's backpacks in search of a phone, except for Gyeong-su and Joon-yeong because they were holding the doors shut.

They had been at this for about 5 minutes now and you didn't know if you should tell them that you already had a phone on you, or if you should just keep quiet.

You were standing beside your desk looking through your own backpack in hopes of finding some food, snacks, or small toys to lighten the mood if needed.

I'm your backpack you found a water bottle, a small bag of chips, a portable charger, a huge bag of m&ms, a bag of gummy worms, 3 juice boxes, 2 caprisuns, your headphones, a nerf gun, and a tonnn of foam bullets.

'yeah this will do,' you made another mental note, 'i basically have a whole feast in here.'

You closed your backpack and stood up.

You were about to let everyone know that you had a phone on you, but I-sak beat you to it.

"Here! I found one!" she spoke up as she turned to face everyone else.

Immediately after she announced that, everyone began to crowd around her.

You decided to just watch from afar.

"Who's is it?" One of then asked.

"This is Yeong-ju's desk," I-sak replied.

"Shit, it's locked."

"Do something!"

"What do you want me to do? It's locked."

Having nothing better to do, you just watched them bicker for a source of entertainment.

"Maybe it's her birthday!"

"When is that?"

"I don't know..."

You silently smiled to yourself. You knew that you didn't need to unlock the phone to make phone calls, but you wanted to see if they could figure that out without you having to tell them.

"She's over there, give it to me," Cheong-san announced and pointed towards the door.

You looked over to the door and there she was, just like he said, 'wooow speak of the devil.'

Cheong-san took the phone from I-sak and walked towards the door.

He turned on the phone and began to hold the phone in front of Yeong-ju's face.

You put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.

"Try getting closer!" Su-hyeok said.

'Okay, maybe they do need a little help,' you thought to yourself.

"So um, you do know that you don't need to unlock a phone for emergency calls... right..?" You asked.

Cheong-san looked at you with a dumbfounded expression before finally reacting.

He called the police department.

You didn't feel like listening to this.

You turned around and looked out the same window as always, only that this time there was actually something to see. It wasn't the best view though. You didn't exactly like the sight of human eating zombies, but at least it was better than nothing.

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