I'm Alone-HueningKai🛸TXT

Start from the beginning

Why did he have to choose one when he had them all just feet away?

He walked over to the fridge taking out anything sweet he saw and putting it on the kitchen table. Once he grabbed the things he wanted to have he took a spoon and sat in front of everything he'd gathered.

He opened the grape jam and ate a spoonful. It was too sweet, moments like this were when he was reminded why people put so little amount of jam on their toast in the movies. He then took the cookies he brought and crushed them all pouring them into the jar of jam. He combined them well and started eating his mix quickly. Once he finished, he moved on to the pint of caramel ice cream and started shoveling through it, finishing it quicker than he expected.

He sat there in silence, thinking. What had he done? He ate too much.

He tried not to think about it much but whenever he ignored everything that was wrong with him it made it worse. Every night a vicious cycle of frustration repeated itself, his head hit the pillow, his eyes shut, his body ready to recover some energy but his mind decided otherwise. Thoughts flooded his head of anything and everything. His tired body worked all day but when the time for his well-deserved rest came it was like a switch was flipped in his mind. Think! Think! Did you say thank you to the man that gifted you a flower the other day? Did you smile at the woman that helped you on the cash register? You didn't did you? Are you becoming uneducated? Don't tell me you are.

Shut up! Stop it! Stop thinking right now.

He decided that tonight was different, he didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to spend another sleepless night alone in his room.

With a plan set on his mind, he stood up and headed to Beomgyu's room going in without knocking. Beomgyu was sleeping in his bed, his head facing the wall, his left arm folded to his side, and his right arm stretched across the bed.

Kai didn't waste any more time and quietly went over to the bed. He thought for a while doubting his decision but it all went away when he heard Beomgyu snore.

Kai climbed into his bandmate's bed snuggling into his side.

Kai hugged Beomgyu needing comfort and the oldest put his arm around him while still keeping his eyes closed. Kai hugged him tighter "Hmm?" Beomgyu asked groggily "What's wrong?"

Kai keeps quiet and just snuggles into his chest.

Kai clutches Beomgyu's free hand and brings it up to his chest holding it there, his friend was right there with him. Beomgyu ran his thumb over Kai's knuckles softly not sure what was going on but not questioning it either. Whatever it was, he was sure his friend would tell him the next morning.

They both ended up falling asleep eventually, soft puffs of air escaped Beomgyu's mouth while Kai just lay there.

Later that night, Kai's stomach gurgled alerting of its discomfort but it went unnoticed by the sleeping boys. Not even minutes later his stomach growled louder this time more urgently and it made Kai startle. A strong pain invaded his stomach and he could feel the food he binged earlier fight its way up his throat. Everything happened faster than his brain could process.

He quickly leaned to the side of the bed and gagged, nothing came out. The second gag came with full force, his body jerking forward, bile falling to the floor. Spreading all over the carpet. Kai clutched his stomach.

Beomgyu startled awake at the sound of his friend's gags, his eyes wide open in surprise. Once he saw what was happening he tried comforting his bandmate. A large amount of chunky bile was piled-up beside Kai's side of the bed, some things not digested properly yet.

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