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3 days have passed and I was finally allowed to go back to school. My wound is still a little sore but it doesn't hurt too much at least.

The past three days I spent it boringly inside the house. I was not allowed to move too much 'cause my protective mother said so. I, myself was also shock to find myself listening to her command that I shouldn't move too much. Yup! She commanded me to stay put or else she will hide my bow and arrows.

The girls have been constantly visiting me during my days off school.  I was so grateful to them whenever they will walk in and the ambiance of our house will immediately change.

I was expecting 7 other visitors but they never came, I was disappointed.
I even asked the girls if Enhypen was doing fine and they said they are doing good, infact really really good.

My dad will be driving me to school today, I couldn't careless since it will save a lot of energy. My father stop in front of the school's gate and dropped me off.

"I'll see you tonight dad! Love you!" I said waving at him.

"Alright, be careful of your wound. Make sure to go to the infirmary to change the bandage" he reminded before he drove away.

I took in the sight of the school, students laughing and talking to yheir friends but there are also some students who were walking alone and he is one of them.

"Heeseung!" I called

He turned around to look at me and he slightly smiled before turning his face back into its usual expression.


"I didn't have the chance to say thank you and you didn't visit me" I said looking straight at his eyes.

"Oh, right. I and the boys have been busy so we really haven't got the time to visit you" he said but something was off about his excuse and I can feel it. I wonder what it could be?

"That's alright! Anyways thank you for saving me that night. If it weren't for you, I would have been rotting  right now" I chuckled at my own statement but he didn't seem to sjow any expression. It's as if he's back to being a distant person.

"It's nothing and I'm glad I could help you. I'll be going now" turning around he walked off, hands inside his pocket. What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? I should give him space, I don't want to annoy him because the last time I did that to a certain someone, it didn't go very well.

I entered the class right before the bell rang. I sat on my usual seat and my classmates starts asking me if I was okay, I told them that I was alright and my wound is taking its time to heal properly. Mr. Song entered the classroom and he greteted us, before starting the lesson he asked me if I was doing good or not and just tell him if anything seem to hurt. I nodded my head and thanked him.

Just like that the class went on.

The day goes unexpectedly smooth, at lunch made my way to the infirmary to get my bandage changed and eat with my friends.

I even notice that Enhypen wasn't in their usual seat at the cafeteria. I was walking down the hallway this afternoon when I saw them at the back of our school drinking some red substance from their own bottles. It doesn't really bother me since there's a lot of red colored drinks.

I was going to approach them that time but instead I decided to walk away.

I saw the other members went immediately home after classes but Jungwon stayed behind to clean their classroom. Yes, you're right I will follow him home, I may look like a creepy ass bitch but I need to figure out what was happening with them.

He walked and he walked as I followed him quietly. What took me by surprise was that he was heading straight for the woods. This catch made me even more interested and curious but at the same time anxious.

What am I even doing following a guy on his way home. If there's people around us they might think I'm one of those obsessed whore.

The plan was going on so smoothly until I didn't notice a twig and stepped on it unintentionally. I held my breathing and hid away to one of the big trees beside me.

"Who's there?" I heard him say but I'm not that stupid enough to answer. I heard his footsteps once again and I followed him once more.

"Shit that was close" I muttered under my breath as quietly as I could. I just continue on foloowing him carefully until he entered a huge iron gates. I carefully took in the house in fornt of me, my mouth hanging a gape as I did so. This isn't a house nor a mansion, this is a fucking palace!

How wealthy could these guys be? And why would they have to choose such a place to locate their palace? I swear they are so weird. The huge white pillars, the engravings on the wall, staues everywhere.

It was a beautiful place to live in but the ambiance that this palace brings was off just like the owners. It seems welcoming yet unwelcoming. The tall walls and gates surrounding it was no joke. No one would never dare go climbed these walls and gates. It was too high and it has electrical wirings that can toast you once you touch it.

I wanted to go in and see what the inside looks like but it was never my plan. I wouldn't be trespassing! I'm not a trespasser nor was I a stalker but guess what? Here I am now, just finished stalking the guy I liked that happened to be a huge douche bag.

I sighed, so this is where they live huh? Interesting, very interesting. But what are you guys hiding? My mom might warned me to stay away from all of you but just like she said, I'm a one of a kind stubborn ass bitch.

I turned away and walked. I wonder what my mom would think if evwr she found out about me stalking one of them. She'll surely get mad and scold me for being so hard headed. I got home safe and sound.

My mom greeted me and ask how was school, i told her that it was fine and nithing interesting happen. Well to be honest there is but I won't tell her anything about what I saw.

We talked for a little bit more before I went upstairs and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes as a sigh of content escaped my mouth.

What I didn't know was that they already caught a whiff of my scent back at the school's backyard and to the comfort of their home as I followed their leader.

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