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Jungwon's Pov

We arrived at the hospital and Arya frantically called Y/n's parents. I was nervous to meet them considering the fact of what they've done to us but right now that isn't important.

I was sad to see Y/n in such state, she might be stupid and annoying but she did not deserve any of this. I might hate her and her family but seeing her in this state made me worry. She has always been the cheerful type but right now she isn't. The reason why she will be needing stiches was me and that fucking werewolf.

I remember when the boys and I always have to wince everytime there's blood. But that didn't seem to happen as worried took over our bodies and mind when we saw her laying limply at Heeseung hyungs arms.

When she said that she feels tired and she wanted to sleep, I walked up to them and told her that she needs to stay awake and that she needs to stay with me. I wasn't supposed to feel anything at all but when she smiled at me in that state I almost hear my heart broke. After that her eyes begins to flutter shut and that was our cue to immediately bring her here.

She was inside the room. The doctor and nurses was currently stiching her up. I looked coldly over at the new arrivals. Y/n's family, I saw that old man eyeing the seven of us warily before giving us a glare and turned around to ask the 6 girls about what happened. Y/n's parents were also carefully listening to their explanation. Luckily the girls decide dto leave the part where we fought and that was the reason she went out there alone.

"Thank you for saving my daughter" her mother cried as we all nodded. But I know if it weren't for Heeseung saving her dear daughter they would treat us differently.

They have been always like that ever since this old man right here did something to my ancestors. I gave the old man a death glare as if informing him that I don't like him which he returned.

We haven't gotten any chance to avenge our ancestors 'cause up until now this motherf*cker still gets to live.

I know that her grandfather knew what attacked her and that same goes to her parents. I wonder if they already told her about the truth. They have always been secretive.

The doctor came out and instantly gathered attention to herself. She spoke "She's good but I suggest you all should let her take a much needed rest. You can now see her for only a few minutes, after that I suggest all of you go home and rest as well"

The girls sighed in relief but us boys just stood there, not showing any expression to keep our guard down from the married couple and this old man right there.

"Go home and don't come back. My granddaughter doesn't need any of you" the old man named dale remarked while looking at the seven of us.

"What? Still ungrateful old man? If it weren't for Heeseung your DEAR granddaughter would have already been dead" I rebutted emphasizing the word dear.

"You have no idea what you young boys have gotten yourself into" he scoffed before giving us one last glare and proceed his way to enter the room Y/n was staying at. "What's with the sudden fight?" Ryujin asked.

"Nothing, we should be going now, see you at school" I stated before walking away, the boys following behind me.

Y/n's Pov

Everything happened in a blur, the last thing I remember was that I was laying on Heeseung's arms, eyes closing and Jungwon saying that I should stay with him. Oh Jungwon, how I wish you would always treat me like that.

I opened my eyes only to see myself laying on a hospital bed. Looking around, there was no one with me. Why did I expect him to be here waiting for me to open my eyes? Of course he wouldn't do that, he only said those words at me because I was perhaps in between life and death? That he will feel guilty if I ever dies because he MADE me ran away.

I know I shouldn't be blaming this one on him. He wasn't the one who ran away, I was. He may be the reason but it isn't my fault that I'm stupid enough to ran deeper into the woods.

My heart jumped at the sound of the door opening, I look at the person and my eyes met my mother's eyes.

"My baby" she said eyes welling up with tears.

"Mom" I croaked out, my throat still dry from the lack of water. She hugged me but careful enough to avoid my wound.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Just a day, you were excused from school for a week at least but I know you are too stubborn to obey us. Youll have atleast 3 days" she said, preparing some water for me to drink and then handing it over.

"I want you to stay away from those boys" She said, tone stern and eyes looking at me directly.

"But why? They saved me, I haven't even thanked them!" I countered.

"You will do as I say now young lady! Just this once please? I need you to trust me. They're no good for you, they are dangerous" she said heaving.

I have never seen her this worked up before. There's something really bothering her and for some reason it's because of the guys who saved me and accompany us to keep I and the girls safe. What was the real deal? Did yhey lnow eachother? Did something happen in the past? I have too much questions and It's annoying the shit out of me. I nodded my head to which my mother sighed at in relief.

"Where's dad?"

"Doing some important businessand you shouldn't bother asking of what that business is" she said sweetly.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"I'll just have some bread" she nodded and walk to the table to get me some bread.

"You mean by business something illegal? Oh my god! Is he on drugs?!" I gasped.

"Silly girl, of course not!" My mom scolded me as she smack the back of my head.

"Geez mom, chill! I'm just kidding" I whined rubbing the back of my head.

"Well you shouldn't have joked about that" she rolled her eyes, the corner of her lips twitching as she tried to remain poker faced but ended up laughing too hard. I guess I alredy know where I got my craziness huh?

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