uncharted (movie) + supernatural

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Nate drake (Tom holland) and sully (mark whalberg) were rushing out of a dingy bar that was chalk full of thugs that were trying to kill them, as they were getting cornered by two more thugs outside the door. All of a sudden, Dean, Cas, Sam, and I were hurled onto the two door thugs, landing the four straight on top of the two thugs, we ended up in a giant pile, luckily I was on top. If I was on bottom, I would've probably hurt someone. I look up, and I see the two celebrities together, and I realize where we are. "Ah whelp, I'm about to screw up this games timeline!" I mutter to myself. I flip myself off the pile of my friends, landing on one foot. I then help team good will up on their feet.

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