"No. Think I got everything." I muttered, handing her the paper bag.


Once we were at the castle we picked a spare room upstairs where we wouldn't be disturbed. I began by drawing a circle on the floor with the black chalk. Then, I placed the four candles in directions of North, South, East, and West. In the middle of the circle I set up the bowl and chalice.
Eris instructed me the whole way through, standing outside of the drawn chalk. The incense was lit. I filled the chalice with a red wine, then added five drops of snake's blood. Wasn't too keen on having to drink that, but I'd managed worse.

In the bowl went the herbs, which were then lit on fire, sending a pungent smoke into the air smelling of earth and tobacco.

"Now, recite the words I told you." Eris prompted. "Take a drink each time, repeat it until you feel something happening. It might take several times."

I could hear her, but she was out of sight. The smoke was rather overwhelming. I tipped the chalice to my lips and took a swallow, then intoned the Greek she had me memorize;

"I call thee by Salem Reaver, into my circle. We rely; hear me and come along."

A second drink. The wine was bitter and metallic. I repeated the incantation. By the third time through I could hardly see anything through the smoke; it was everywhere; burning my lungs and stinging my eyes. The fourth sip of wine tasted god awful, it took all of my willpower to not choke it back up. It felt hot against my throat. Nausea rolled through my stomach and my head pounded. I put a hand to my mouth, my lips burning and tingling. Sweat was beginning to form at the back of my neck.

"Drake? Don't stop. You can't stop now. Keep going." I heard Eris call, though her voice was distant, far away and withered. My ears began ringing and I squeezed my eyes shut, the blood in my head pounding so hard it was like a hammering on the inside of my skull. My eyes watered.

"Drake! Keep going!"

Forcing my eyes open, I fumbled for the chalice again, and made my myself drink from it. My stomach recoiled but I gritted my teeth and incited the Greek for a fifth time. My chest was heavy, and I could have sworn there was something constricting my ribcage, pushing in on my sides until I couldn't breathe. I don't remember when I moved, but I was on my knees clutching my sternum, trying to inhale through the coughing that shook my entire body, choking on the smoke and the burning scent.

Then out of nowhere it was like something snapped and the weight on my chest ceased, the air clearing. The inflammation faded, and I collapsed to the ground, heaving out shaking exhales. My eyes closed at some point, and I might have heard voices somewhere around me, but then my vision became nothing but black and my consciousness slipped away.

The next thing I was aware of was being helped onto the couch in the living room, and collapsing back into the cushions limply, trying to focus my gaze and blinking rapidly.

"Drake? You idiot, are you alright?"
I might have rolled my eyes, I'm not sure. "Shut up," I muttered, a shaking hand moving up to my forehead where a dull ache throbbed.

"I'll have you know I was in the middle of som-"

"Shut up," I threw at the British voice over to my left.

Breathing slow and steady, I flicked my gaze from Eris, who was perched next to me, and over to Reaver, who stood by the coffee table, leaning on a black cane.I nodded my chin toward the neo gothic stick.

"What's up with the cane?"

"Well, I was attacked." Reaver remarked, tone full of cold sarcasm.


"How'd you know?" he drawled with an eye roll. "Where is your queen? I've not been able to get in contact with her."

"Missing, you dipshit. That's why I summoned you here."

His expression became grave. ''Missing?"

"Kidnapped, more than likely. By that fucking rebellion."

"No doubt the same scoundrels that jumped me."

"What happened? When did they attack you?"

"The other day. I had popped back into this realm to check up on things - my fiancee, I was downtown by some shops when they jumped me. There was a dozen of them. One of them said if I meddled in their affairs I would be taken care of. That this realm was not where I belonged, and to crawl back into the underground." Reaver shifted, leaning heavily on the cane. "I've been lying low, healing my wounds. I fought them off, killed a few, but I wasn't in too good of condition by the time I got out of peril."

I glanced to Eris, who was studying the demon with a steel gaze. She flicked her attention to me.

"Do you think you could help us find her?" I asked him, eyes back on the dark-haired demon.

"Wherever they have her must be cloaked. As in, a magic barrier. Which is why I can't reach her thoughts. I could cast a locating spell, but the likeliness that it would work is very slim."

I pushed myself up from the couch. "Try anyways."

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