Unexpected Saviour

Start from the beginning

Yang immediately burst out into tears after they left.

9:09 PM, Haven Academy

Team JNPR assaults Gilgamesh. Their weapons clash against each other. Gilgamesh was surprisingly losing against them.

"You... mongrels! You're only delaying your own deaths!"

Nikos' eyes shine.

Archer's sword is launched out of his hands using her Semblance, right as she was about to strike at him, he pulled out a spear from the gates, blocking her attack before jabbing at her.

She blocks using her shield.

The rain of swords had seemingly stopped for the time being. Pyrrha proved too much of a threat for now to use the Gates of Babylon to it's fullest potential.

Ruby, Blake and everyone else as a whole ran circles around Kotomine, shooting at him, but unfortunately, they proved futile as Kotomine kept on using Command Seals to boost his own power to the level of a low tier Servant. He had three Black Keys in each hand, using them to deflect the Dust bullets.

 He had three Black Keys in each hand, using them to deflect the Dust bullets

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Kirei Kotomine slices through bullets easily with Black Keys

Cinder's forces have seemingly evacuated already out of fear of the abilities of both Kotomine and his Servant.

"Now!" Ruby yelled out to Weiss.

Weiss used her glyphs to make a platform above Kotomine. Ruby hopped onto it, flipping off it. She loaded her sniper once more, shooting at Kirei.

But he wasn't going to fall for a simple trick like that.

He threw one set of the swords in his hand at Ruby, using the others to slice her bullet.

The swords stabbed into Ruby's body, pinning her to a pillar. She let out a cry of pain.

"Kid--!" Qrow yelled out, distracted by Ruby. Kotomine dashed to him, delivering a single punch to the face which had completely knocked him out.

Fortunately, Kirei was out of his prime, otherwise he would have completely destroyed Branwen's head.

Blake grit her teeth, making her attempt at an assault.

It didn't work unfortunately.

The moment she tried to rush him, Kotomine grabbed her by her head, covering her mouth. Using his other set of Black Keys, he stabbed her abdomen.

She gushes out blood, covering Kotomine's palm with it. Afterwards, he pulled out the blood-stained swords, throwing her limp body to the ground, letting out a deep breath. It was a bit of a tough fight.

He turned to Weiss.

"You too, young one?" He grinned.

Weiss grit her teeth in anger, dashing at Kotomine. Letting out a war cry, she prepared her rapier, attempting to stab into his heart.

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