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I have experience with this one and it's not all good experience. Growing up my mother always told me " No boyfriends until your 16". I of course did not listen I started getting my first crush at 13 I was young of course but I found him cute. I told him and he told me he liked me back we dated till the seventh grade only to break up because he found himself more attracted to men. We became friends and I never held a grudge because I to liked the same and opposite gender.

Through the rest of middle school and start of highschool I figured out who I was and wanted to be. I dated girls and dated guys. I even questioned my own pronouns I now go by they/them & bi sexual not only that but asexual.

This year I have dated three people but found myself crushing on someone older then me. Let's him tren since it's part of his name and he probably won't find this. I noticed him my 9th grade year he actually helped me find my way around the school. But he never showed interest in me but I sure do him.

You figure out crushes in weird ways. Maybe it's like a cheesy romantic novel or maybe their a close friend. Heck could be like me just cought you eye. With crushes you gotta go for it don't hold back. And if you get turned down it's alright there is someone who likes you. If not they suck and are the least of your worries.

Act cool, Don't freak them out,get to know them, complements work everytime, try flirting but not too hard. Oh and most importantly Incase you are still in school or have a job.  DO NOT lose fouces on your work that should make you wanna work harder.

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