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Now this is a part that I can not say I've gone through being but a teen. But I can tell you as a older sister and auntie and older cusen I can say parenting is hard but comes with rewards.

I have a motherly vibe to myself and a strong love for children always have does that mean I want children of my own. No at least not right now.

Bring a child into this world is a LOT of work. Sometimes the child is not planed.  Which make it worse. Their are parents that beat their kids for absolutely nothing. Talk them down . Then you have parents that abandoned their children one cause they don't care or want it and two cause they had no choice in the matter.

Children are prices of you and your partner. Made to show your bond and love. And keep the life line going. Even if children are pains in the ass. People still have them because they ethier want them or can't keep their legs closed. Being a parent means growing up and gaining more wisdom to pass on.

People can write millions of books on how to raise a child but don't read them your way is better. Unless you are possible crazy and controlling then PLEASE don't have kids.

just how it goes Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat