Am I pretty?

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As a person I ask myself that all the time. Prettiness is just a standard that people have come with over the years the centuries the generations. This is stereotype that men and women have created for themselves to put others down and make them feel like they have to fix themselves.

That is like saying that there is such thing as perfectness in this life if everything was perfect in this life all of us would look bland all of us will look like Regina George or Ariana grande or cardi b or s*** maybe even Beyonce but none of us do why that is because all of us have our own separate perfectness we're all born to be beautiful in our own extent we were created not by God not by some person who puts us in a punishment zone not by Zeus not by Odin not by any of this we were created by the universe to be perfect Divine people as we are.

Miniature Thor as the TV show Thor but if you look at Thor in his North mythology you see that he is not all that pretty in our standards but in his world standards and his generation standards he is considered the most gorgeous man on Earth he's what every woman drops to their feet for but he's not as perfect as everybody thinks he is god of thunder and pride means nothing if you do not know the meaning of respecting yourself.

Prettiness comes with respect for yourself and how you are just because you are big around the way have no chest your private area might be too short you feel like you're to Hairy places you feel like your face is this formed you feel like you could have a little bit more booty in the back you feel like your feet are too small your feet are too big your hands are too wide your nails are crusty your eyes is covered in nastiness third grime and pimples that it's not what makes you beautiful.

What makes you beautiful is respecting yourself and understanding that you are more than just looks prettiness and handsomeness is how you feel towards yourself is how you see yourself not what others see you as in my opinion it's not what the eye can see that makes you beautiful it's not what the eye can see that it makes you dance with that with the eye can see that makes you sexually attractive it's how the heart is how you feel because inside we're all mixed with blood and guts we all have a brain we all have genitalia we all walk around on two legs and we all eat food and digest things cry punch ourselves hurt ourselves we all do it so what's the point of thinking that in order to be free on the outside we have to cover ourselves with things that make us well and quote pretty it's not it's really not in reality we define who we are with our personalities and that our looks prettiness is just a word that was invented to make other feel down about their thoughts hate themselves kill themselves and that is not what shall happen in this world at some point we'll all realize that the word prettiness the words happiness the words gorgeousness it's fake it's not real

just how it goes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora