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Trigger warning for people that can not handle this topic. This was hard for me to write about but I felt it was a needed topic and this book is and my thoughts and perspective on things.

So anxiety... That ugly sun of a gun. How is it caused? Why do we have it? How do we get ride of it? Examples of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias and separation anxiety disorder. You can have more than one anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can be described as a sense of uneasiness, nervousness, worry, fear, or dread of what's about to happen or what might happen. While fear is the emotion we feel in the presence of threat, anxiety is a sense of anticipated danger, trouble, or threat.

Anxiety can be cause by Drugs or alcohol,Having blood relatives with an anxiety disorder.,Personality,Stress buildup,Other mental health disorders. All of this is how it starts.

I have social anxiety I can't be around large crowds and it's hard for me to talk to others. For example I went out to eat and was too scared to even order my own food. Sad I Know. But over the months I have meet people worse than me . My boyfriend love him to death but he can't order food with out me forcing him to talk.

The best advice I can give is that they can't judge you more than you judge yourself. And stay confident when you can't fake it till you make it. Stay calm and be kind but not kind enough to be a push over . But kind enough to make someone's day.

I wish everyone the best of luck with facing your anxiety.

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