C h a p t e r F o u r

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~Valerie in the picture~

Ashton's POV

I studied the name on his driver's license. "Luke Hemmings." Well, Luke Hemmings, you are my new customer. I never expected him to take control like that when I was at his house. It was different. I've never made love with a person my age. Most the time I'm hired by insecure women or horny men,

Luke was a whole new ball park. When I arrived home from his house I was met with crying. Harry was whining about something. Probably fighting with Lauren over what to watch on the Tv. "Ashton!" He clung to me as soon as I stepped into the room.

   "Hey guys. Where's mum?"

"She's fighting with Steven. He's drunk again." Lauren answered from the couch. Both of my siblings were looking emaciated, the amount of weight they were losing scared me.

"Did she remember to get food?"

"While you were gone we all took a trip to the dollar store with Steven to get beer." I groaned in annoyance. The lights flickered over our heads. By now we were use to the occurence.

"Atleast the bills are paid." I sighed. Jinxing us, the lights all went out at that moment.

"Yeah, atleast the bills are paid." Lauren said saracastically.

It was nearly two am. The only place open still was a Taco Bell. The three of us squeezed into my truck. Lauren oh so happy to be squished in the middle. "As soon as we get out of this truck I'm murdering you both!" She threatened.

  "I guess we won't get out of the truck anytime soon then." I teased right back.

Lauren is in her preteens and man is she sassy. Harry was still a kid, thank god. I can't handle anymore teens. The two of them were looking up at me expectantly as I waited on their orders. The cashier was tapping her foot impatiently. No one else was in the building, what's her problem?

After having our orders filled we piled into a booth near the back. I was surprised by how quiet my siblings were being. "Did something happen when I was gone?"

Two coughs and groans were what I received in return. "What did Steven do?"

  Lauren put her arm over Harry. "Nothing, why?"

"I'm curious, and you're acting weird."

"I'm fine. You're the paranoid one."

"Lauren." I warned. She shrugged.

"Nothing happened, he-"

"Don't lie to me, Lauren! What the Hell did that bastard do!?" I expected her to yell back, or do something sassy like usual. Instead my baby sister pulled her knees up to her chest and cried. Harry rubbed her shoulder.

"That was mean, Ash!" He defended.

"I'm sorry baby. Lauren..." She refused to look at me, continuing to cry silently.

"Go away!" Harry waved his hand at me. Lifting the younger child, I set him on my lap and turned to Lauren.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

"I gotta pee!" Harry whined, sliding off my lap. He scurried away to the bathroom, almost going into the wrong one.


"Shut up." She spat.

  "I want to help-"

"How? You're never home!"

"I have to work."

"But I miss you." She sniffled at last, lifting her head.

  "I miss you too." I grinned slightly. Lauren sighed as she leaned into my embrace.

The two of us sat there for a while, Lauren calming down, and me just holding her. "Eh hem." Someone tapped my shoulder. "I found this little thing in the women's bathroom, making a soap beard." a woman appeared, Harry's hand in hers. "Is he yours?"

"Valerie?" I gasped.

"The one and only." She flipped her hair to the side. "I was just leaving."

"Well thanks for finding him." I said, taking Harry in my arms. He giggled as I brushed off the beard of foamy soap he created. Valerie chuckled as she skidded to her car. Her long hair whoosed by her shoulders.

"I want icecream." Harry interrupted my thoughts.


"Come on! It's easy!" She promised, tugging on my shirt sleeves.

  "I can't, Val. It's wrong, I'm a virgin."

"You're going to be a dead virgin if you can't afford food." She pointed out. I groaned inwardly. My stomach growled just to prover her point. "You're decent looking, you can make enough off of this job. I promise."

That's how I ended up standing behind the alley of High Luck with Valerie a few feet away. She's the one who got me a job there in the first place. She's the one who started my career as a prostitute. I hate my body. I can't stand it. I feel disgusting and used almost every day.

I didn't feel used when I was with Luke though. I felt nice with Luke. Luke's got amazing eyes. It's too bad I can't date. It would ruin my career. Then Harry and Lauren would starve or get taken away and put in a foster home.

Sometimes I wonder if they would rather be in a foster home because of Steven. Mom's a deadbeat. Steven's abusive and a huge jerk when he's drunk. Poor Lauren has to keep the fort down when I'm at work.

  I wish I could stay home and take care of them, like normal people. I want a normal job. I hate being a stripper, I hate having sëx for money.

  I wish Valerie stayed.

A/N sorry it sucks. I had some personal issues. That's why it's late.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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