Addicted To Love

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Dedication: ashtxning for the amazing cover! I love her so much! Skip to :50 in the song for lyrics


With feather-light steps, Calum and Michael tip-toed to Luke's bedroom. The twenty, now twenty-one, year old boy was in for the surprise of his life, according to Calum.

The two couldn't help but let out a few suppressed giggles as they cracked the door open to reveal a snoring Luke. He was lying on his stomach and breathing lightly. His arms dangled from the bed. Calum wanted to give him a high-five in his sleep but Michael stopped him, reminding him of the "big plan". Calum grumbled out a, "yeah yeah yeah," and brushed his hand against Luke's instead.

As soon as the clock struck 7:00 Calum and Michael pressed down on the noise makers, causing a loud noise to ruin Luke's peaceful sleep. The twenty-one year old jumped up, gasping. "Happy birthday!" Luke's best friends yelled simultaneously.

Calum jumped on the bed, hugging his best friend. Michael still had an evil smirk on his face. Luke nearly pissed himself from their prank.

"Really guys?" Luke groaned, pushing Calum off as he got up.

  "I loveeeeeeee you Lukey!" Calum shouted after him. Luke responded by flipping him off. Michael and him were snickering to themselves, finding their prank more than a little humorous.


"Where are we going? Why am I blind folded?" Luke shifted uncomfortably in the backseat. Calum was driving. Michael shrugged, forgetting that Luke couldn't see him.

  "You'll see when we get there. Until then, shut up."

  Luke groaned, annoyed with the whole situation, "you two are probably going to take me to a deserted alley and rape me! I knew twenty-one years was too many to hope for!"

"Shut up, Lucifer," Calum chuckled, turning into the parking lot of High Luck. Michael and him found the place a few weeks ago and decided it would be the best joint to hang out at.

Michael took the blind fold from Luke's eyes. The blonde felt disoriented and slightly dizzy. Calum waved a hand in front of his face. "You haven't even had a drink yet and you look tipsy!"

"A drink? I'm barely legal, Cal." Luke rubbed at his sore eyes.

  Patting his shoulder, Michael said, "Not only are we at the best bar in town, but also the best dance club." Dance club? Luke could feel danger lurking around the corner of their plan, however he followed Calum into the brightly lit club.

It was more than a dance club. A lot more.

Luke's jaw almost dropped down so far Satan would have to catch it for him. Exotic dancers were swinging around on poles, male and female. Half of the club was bright red and pink colors, and women dancers were flashing men and showing off. On the other side shirtless men in fishnets, tight jeans were catching some women's attention. That side of the room was lit up with purple and blue flashing lights.

Calum and Michael were practically drooling. "Calum-" Luke tried.

  "Boooobs." He replied, pretending to be under a daze of some sort. Michael was about the same.

  "I'm gonna go get us some beer." The purple haired boy decided finally. Calum was wandering toward the girls' side of the club. Both of his best friends knew Luke was gay, that must of been why they took him to a club with both genders.

The blonde still felt extremely awkward as he made his way over to the guys. He wasn't the only male spectator watching, but it was mostly trashy girls. Some of them seemed decent, most of them seemed like horny one night stands, in Luke's opinion.

The lights dimmed suddenly, and a quiet beat played. Luke's heart rate increased. A chair was placed on the center of the stage and a cute bronze colored sex god sat down. He was dressed in tight black skinny jeans and a white wife beater tank top. His hair was curly. And on his wrists were several tight bracelets. Luke's breath hitched in his throat. The man was gorgeous.

The song suddenly turned up to a much higher volume as it hit the chorus. The stripper spread his legs and arched his back before swinging to his feet. The bronzed man stood up, kicking the chair out of his way. He shook his perfectly molded hips to the beat.

"Your throat is tight, you can't breathe another kiss is all you need," he removed his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him. Loud whistling could be heard from the crowd.

"Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah. It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough. You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love!" Ashton clung to the metal bar that was erected from the stage. He swung his right leg around the bar and made his whole body spin, he winked at the crowd as he turned to walk away.

"You see the signs, but you can't read. You're running at a different speed!" Ashton ran his hand through his hair before facing the crowd again. He went back over to the metal bar, his muscles were taught, he was sweating from the movements his body made. He was like a male Shakira. Luke was pulling out his wallet as the stripper continued.

The song, a sped up version of Addicted To Love, finally came to an end. Luke was clapping and whistling, so bemused by Ashton's performance.

  Michael finally found Luke and handed him a beer. Calum was smirking at Luke, he noticed how he stared at that stripper. Michael even noticed and he tended to be oblivious to things like that.

Luke lost count of how much money he had given the stripper. He may or may not have written his name and number on a fifty dollar bill though.

A/N: do you guys want me to continue with this story? Comment and vote please. I'll try to update once a week.

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