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Colin's POV
I get up, shower, get dressed, and I go downstairs. Brody comes up the stairs all sweaty and pecks my lips saying "morning" and I say "morning" smiling and he goes to shower. I bite my lip and Conner says "morning" half asleep and I say "I think you need a nap or a lot of coffee." He says "yeah, that would be nice" grabbing his backpack and leaving the house. I grab a snack from the cupboard, grab my backpack, and I walk across campus to go to the kitchen. I walk in and people are yelling and laughing making me smile, shaking my head. I go in and the head chef says "alright, I guess most of y'all know each other, we can skip introductions, hang out outside of class causal you're going to be up close and personal around here. Pick a station and I'll let you all know what's up" dismissing everyone with his hand. We all get partners at our spots and the girl next to me saying "I've never seen you before" and I say "I'm Colin" and she says "Madi" shaking my hand. She says "I'm kind of clueless, so bare with me, thats what my friends say anyway." I chuckle saying "sophomore?" She nods and says "I can't tell if you're a junior or senior, I can normally pick out a freshman and I know most of the sophomores. You're cute." I say "thanks?" She chuckles saying "you can't be this awkward if we're gonna be friends, I'm gonna call you cute all the time, get over yourself." I chuckle saying "alright, I can live with that" shrugging and we chuckle and the head chef starts handing out recipes and Madi says "lets see" looking at it then says "baby, we got this" grabbing my hand and pulling me to the sink. We wash our hands and she says "I'm not good at dough, do you wanna start the dough, and I'll start the sauce?" I say "I'll show you how to do it, it won't take long" and she says "alright" and we start making pasta dough. I say "this is one of the easiest kinds of dough" to her and she says "I know, I just haven't figured it out quite yet." I say "just take the fork and whisk the eggs inside the well, like this" and she says "like this?" I say "exactly like that" as we make a big batch of pasta and I say "then you start combining kinda like this" kneading but not really. She says "so baller" and we chuckle and she says "come help with the sauce, we'll learn together" grabbing my hand and we start cutting things up and I say "this cooks for three hours?" She nods saying "it'll take awhile, once we get that going, we can do something else" and I say "like what?" She says "I'll show you" smiling and we start the cooking process, cook meat, boil, then sit on low forever. Three hours not forever but they feel the same in the kitchen. Madi says "pastas drying, we can cook it whenever we please when the sauce is ready, it shouldn't take as long as box does." I say "right" nodding and she says "alright" and she starts making something saying "do you know what I'm making?" I say "no idea, what are you making anyway?" She says "deep fried bananas, I make them all the time then we'll toss them in powdered sugar and a little bit of cinnamon." I say "I'm so hungry, so awesome" and we chuckle and she says "I don't even need a recipe for this shit anymore" as she tosses the bananas in batter. She does it with like ten bananas and I say "I'm taking the leftovers" and she says "yay, I won't have to bring them to my room for me and my roommate to get fat on." I chuckle saying "I live with nine boys, they'll take whatever I give them" and we laugh, her saying "nine? You're in the frat aren't you?" I say "yeah" chuckling and she says "damn, never did the sorority or frat thing, I don't think I'd want to though. Sounds like a lesbians nightmare" and I chuckle saying "you'd be surprised" and she says "I already have a girlfriend then I'd be living with nine other girls? Sounds like I can't control myself" and I laugh. I say "guess you can't" shrugging and Conner comes in saying "hey, party girls!" A few people laugh and I roll my eyes saying "look who the cat dragged in" and he comes over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist saying "hey." I say "hey, don't touch anything till you wash your hands" and he says "I know" and I say "aren't you supposed to be doing something?" He says "I'm on break, I'm normally in here when I'm not there" and I say "so, you're telling me I'm going to have to deal with you almost twenty four seven now?" Conner says "pretty much" and I say "hows Lia, I haven't talked to her today." He says "I talked to her this morning, she's good" smiling and I say "thats good, try one of these things" taking a deep fried banana and feeding it to him. He says "are you taking them with you when you leave?" I say "indeed, I am, unless they're all gone by the time I go home" glaring at him as he takes a few more. Madi says "Conner normally ends up eating some of them anyway, you'll be taking about half of them home." I chuckle saying "that's alright, less person I have to feed tonight" and Conner says "oh, Brody said the moneys coming in now so we don't all have to pay for food anymore." I say "yayyyyy" and he chuckles saying "whats the plan then, pretty boy?" I say "no idea, I might be dead by then, who knows, I will think about it. I could make a lot of pasta if I get in at like three" and Conner says "pasta, woo!" We chuckle and I say "let me finish up my day then I'll make food when I get back, ok?" Conner says "most of us get off early, so I'll see you when you get back" smiling then leaving the kitchen and walking down the hall.

Cause You Make Me Feel Like I've Been Locked Out Of Heaven [BXB]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang