I'm sorry... I truly am...

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You guys must be wondering whats with the title... Well... I'mma be honest here, I just can't continue this book anymore...

You all must be wondering why right? Well, I honestly didn't like the book to begin with since before I rewrote it the story was too fast, the MC didn't get any development at the DXD verse, and went to a different verse at the 4 chapter or so... And now in the rewrite I feel like I've made alot of mistakes on the story and I don't think I can continue this one...

I honestly have to say that this book was honestly just a random thought in my head and wanted to be created... This book honestly didn't have a specific plot and If I continued to write it, it would just go to random directions...

Anyway that's all I have to say, I'm very sorry to those who was looking forward to this, and I deeply apologize.

And looking back at the book " The Prince and The Assassin" I could've done better but I didn't and the book didn't have any character development what so ever, so I'm planning to rewrite it, so look forward to that.

So that all, I'll see you guys next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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