Chapter 6: Mysterious Person and an old Sword

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[Author's POV]

After the massacre that Y/n lead at the abandoned church, he and the others we're at the ORC clubroom with the four Fallen Rouges tied up and unconscious.

Y/n: alright, you guys keep an eye on the four Fallens I need to call someone.

Issei: Who you calling? A lover?

Y/n: Hell nah, I'm calling the other person in the Alliance, you'll be meeting him today.

Y/n left the room, leaving the others there to watch over the four unconscious Fallens.

Outside Y/n took out his phone, putting his passcode and calling someone, by the name of Azazel.

Azazel: What do you need Y/n?

(A/n: *on call*)

Y/n: Really no hello?

Azazel: Aren't you the one who told me to always get to the point when talking to you?

Y/n: Oh yeah, anyway come to the Kouh Academy, I got a gift for you.

Azazel: Is it a Sacred Gear?

Y/n: You'll find out when you get here.

Azazel: Fine, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Y/n: Alright and also I found another member for the Alliance. You'll meet her today.

Azazel: Alright, Bye.

The call was ended and Y/n put his phone inside his pocket.

Y/n looked up to the beautiful night sky, remembering how he and a girl would always go out just to see the beautiful night sky, as Y/n looked up the night sky a single tear fell down from his cheek and Issei's voice spoke.

Issei: You reminiscing about something?

Y/n turn and saw Issei next to him also looking up to the sky, Y/n spoke as he looked back to the night sky.

Y/n: Yeah, just remembered a joyful memory... You know, I wasn't always like this.

Issei: Like what? Like a battle hungry bastard?

Y/n: No... Well yeah.

Issei: I know what you mean, I myself was never like this.

Y/n: I can see that, you hid your knowledge of Martial Arts from everyone.

Issei: So you saw me fight those exorcists huh... Sorry for hiding it.

Y/n: Don't be, the two of us have a past that we both want to forget... But we both have different paths to follow, the path I took will always make me look back to the past and will inevitably be the cause of my death.

Issei: Hey, don't say things like that, I may not know the perils that we will encounter on our journey, but I do know that we will get through it together, we're Brothers after all.

When Issei said that a memory flashed before Y/n's mind, it was an old memory of him and a black haired boy just about the same age as Y/n, the two we're next to each other looking up to the sky.

????: Remember, no matter what happens we're Brothers... Nothing will go between us, Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah...

Before Y/n could say the name of the boy the memory was cut off, as if Y/n himself never wanted to remember the memory.

The two just silently stared at the beautiful starry night, the silence was interrupted when a voice called our mc's name.

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