CLXX (2nd half NSFW)

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"Hey, Eddy." 
Brett's voice was soft and it seemed to come from far away. He woke up with a start. 
"Shit! I fell asleep!"
Brett sat down next to him on the bed and stroked his cheek softly. 
"I kind of knew you would. You looked beat, when you said you'd lie down for three minutes. But I had to wake you now, or we'll be late for John and Mark."
Eddy groaned and moved his cheek into Brett's touch. Yeah, he'd been tired, and so confused after everything that had happened. He needed time to think, to just have a little space for his head to settle. So lying down just for a couple of minutes before their dinner date had seemed like a good idea, at the time. But now he just felt more tired, not less. He yawned and glanced at the clock. 
Look, he had been so excited about going to John and Mark again. That evening, way back when in Perth, had been such a defining point in his life, seeing what it could be like, what it would be like one day, when they had their own place, when they were out to the world, when they could just be who they were, everywhere. It had given him so much acceptance, and he wanted to say that to John. 
It would really help if he could keep his eyes open though. 
Suddenly something in him stirred, and he tugged on Brett's arm. 
"We have half an hour."
"Oh, really?" Brett said, his tone instantly changing, his eyebrows shooting up in that sexy way he had. He leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. And it would have been just a little kiss, but the way Brett lingered, the way he dragged his tongue gently over Eddy's bottom lip... Eddy knew right away where Brett stood. So he smiled lazily and ran his hand up the inside of Brett's leg slowly, up and up until he reached the zipper. He lay his hand over his bulge and groaned when he felt he was already fully hard. 
Brett moved to lie next to him now, his hand on Eddy's hair. He kissed him again and whispered in his ear. 
"I can't help it. You're too sexy."
Somehow Eddy forgot all about being tired then. He rubbed Brett through his jeans and gave him a long kiss. They didn't have much time, he knew, so he sat up with a shock and pushed Brett on his back. He opened the zipper and pulled down the jeans just far enough so he'd spring free. 
"You're so beautiful." he whispered as he kissed his belly, dragging his tongue down and down. Brett groaned beautifully when his lips closed around him. 
"Ah, Eddy!" he called as Eddy sucked and twirled his tongue around his silky tip. Eddy wasn't taking any prisoners tonight, he put his hand around Brett's base and pushed him higher and higher. It wasn't very long until Brett groaned again and exploded into his mouth. 

"Oh fuck." Brett said as he caught his breath. "Whoa. I've got to wake you up more often." 
He was pushing himself up and watched Eddy with that scorching, post-orgasm look that made his insides melt. He reached down and grabbed Eddy through his sweats. Eddy closed his eyes and allowed himself to be pushed back on the bed. 
Oh, Brett was so good at this. He knew exactly what he was doing as he sucked him, softly at first, but then building speed gradually, keeping him on the edge for just a moment, knowing he could fall into a climax any second now. 
"Bretty." he groaned as his orgasm built, and built, his hands fisting in Brett's hair, and Brett suddenly sucked hard, so he fell into a delicious orgasm that seemed to put him back together again.

"Wow." he breathed after a moment. Brett was pulling up his sweats for him and pressed a kiss to his belly, another to his lips. 
"Yeah. Come on, we need to get going though."
A little thrill pulled through Eddy as he sat back up, at the thought of walking into John's apartment with his boyfriend, his love. How different things were now, than they had been then. He got up and shot into a pair of jeans. 
"Yeah, let's go. Should be good."  

A/N Just FTR, the original bit with John is in Andante, should you want to find it again since it's so long ago! It's from chapter CXCII and onwards ;-)

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