Chapter 4 - The Strawhat's captain

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Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

After that brief threat, everyone started eating and celebrating the newly free Luffy from the marines. But this time, instead of Luffy bothering Ace, all the strawhats kept the girl occupied so that Luffy can't even give Ace a single glance.

"Stupid Luffy." Ace grumbled as he took a big bite from his meat

"Awwww, is our little Acey jealous" Vista asked sitting beside Ace

"Why would I be jealous?" Ace almost yelled glaring at Vista who is laughing "I don't care about that stupid cute face."

"Really now?" Vista asked amused "Even if she's now dancing with Thatch?"

Ace snapped his head towards him so fast that he could hear his bone crack, "WHAT!" His whole body turns to flame as he looked around only to find Luffy happily eating meat with Robin

Vista roared in laughter together with a few brothers who heard the conversation "Not jealous at all." Namur snickered

"There is nothing to be embarrass about liking someone, Ace." Haruta said as he sat beside Ace

"I don't like guys!" He yelled which earned a blank look from Haruta

"She is clearly a girl. Stop lying to yourself Ace."

Ace stopped and glared at the ground

"You deserve to be happy Ace. If the kid really likes you and you like her back, why not give it a chance?" Haruta asked

"I don't deserve happiness. I don't even deserve to be alive." Ace whispered

Whitebeard and Marco frowned when they heard Ace proclamation

"She'll not be in danger because of you, yoi. The kid wants to be a pirate." Marco said trying to lighten the boy's mood

Ace snorted "Yeah a start up pirate in a small crew."

Marco looked at him like he's the most stupid person on the entire universe (maybe he is) "You don't know the news about strawhats, yoi?"

"No?" Ace said unsure. He heard a few news about the small crew but he do not a hundred percent believe it to be true.

"Garararara that small crew is famous for their crazy antics."

Vista nodded in agreement "Their captain was a total crazy bastard!"

"Declaring war left and right, then punching a fucking celestial dragon then disappearing for 2 years!"

Ace gave a small smile still watching the small group party. It was a favorite past time, reading news about the small crew on how they rock the whole world. His eyes then land on the girl who is laughing happily as she and Nami danced "Yeah but she just clearly a newly joined. We actually still don't know if she's a member or just a friend."

"But, where is their captain?" Haruta asked looking around for a missing captain "They said we'll meet him after Luffy comes back."

"Garaararar I guess its time to meet the ever elusive strawhat captain." Whitebeard announce as he looks at the crew. "Strawhats, I think its time for you to introduce your captain to us."

A very unexpected meetingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن