Chapter 2 - The Strawhat pirates

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Hello its me again. If you haven't noticed this story is a light fun story of how Luffy break minds. Because I greatly enjoy the headache Luffy caused people just by being Luffy. Don't question too much how things are possible because, again this is Luffy we are talking about. Just enjoy the insanity of Luffy.

I will be using the pronouns him/he for Luffy until the Whitebeards know Luffy is a girl just for easier understanding. It won't be too long so don't worry.

A reader int: Hello thank you so much for being my first reviewer for my first story. I am also not a fan of Akainu but I just couldn't help put him wrap under Luffy's little fingers (It's Luffy magic). I also got the same reaction whenever I reread this story whenever Luffy can't tell he's a girl and how Ace is starting to question himself because of Luffy's charm.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

CHAPTER 2 - The Strawhat pirates

Marco didn't know how everything happened. Hell, he wasn't even sure what happened after releasing the kid. The kid was a magnet for trouble, but strangely in some ways everything turned out fine.

"Seeeee youuuu around!" Luffy yelled as he waved the retreating (stolen) marine warship that was sailing away from Moby Dick

"So who is the kid?" Izo asked eyeing the still waving kid

"I'm Luffy!" He introduced himself as he turn around and looked at them "Ace kidnapped me to be a pirate!"

"Isn't Ace in impel down?" Haruta asked "How the hell can he even think of kidnapping someone dressed as a marine?" He used the word 'dressed' because everyone don't believe that the brat is a marine

"Yes." Marco simply said

"Gararararararara why would he do that then?" Whitebeard asked amused at the brat

"Well Grampa kidnapped me to be a marine, so Ace kidnapped me to be a pirate!" Luffy smiled "He unkidnapped me from being a marine!" He said proudly as if that will explain everything

Ace groaned and smacked Luffy on the head "You don't make sense Luffy! I kidnapped you so my bounty will rise!"

"I don't think kidnapping the brat will be the reason your bounty will rise." Atmos said looking at the leaving warship "Its because of all the prisoners you let out."

"What happened?" Thatch asked. It was a miracle that Thatch survived the attacked. He was in coma for weeks and barely survived the first few days.

Marco sighed in defeat "I was just planning on freeing Jimbe." Marco looked at Ace "But then Ace flirted with the kid-"

"I did not!" Ace yelled which earned the attention of everyone listening 'What exactly happened in that prison.'

"- and freed the kid." They looked at the kid who is now picking his nose "Then the kid met someone he knew, wanted to free them-"

"They're friends!" Luffy protested

"- the next thing we know we have an army following us out of Impel Down." He sighed again still trying to understand what the hell happened "Then someone stole a fucking warship and just let us pass through."

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