Chapter 1, Part 2

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*The turtle from earlier is seen still slowly strolling across the road and doesn't seem to notice an oncoming truck approaching. Just then, a blue blur speeds past and the turtle is now gone. The blue blur was Sonic saving the turtle.*

Sonic: "Whoa, buddy! You almost got yourself killed out there. What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie?!" 

*Sonic pats the turtle's head with his finger as "Don't stop me now" By Queen starts playing in the background*

Sonic: "It must be rough being slow all the time. Tell you what, Today is your lucky day!"

*Sonic runs at full speed down the road with the turtle in his hands*

Sonic: "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Have you ever felt so alive?!"

*Sonic starts doing an airplane impression while the turtle was in one of his hands*

Sonic: "This is great! You're doing amazing!"

*The turtle flies out of Sonic's hand, giving him a shock.*

Sonic: "Oh, geez!"

*Sonic runs to save the turtle once again and runs back*

Sonic: "Good recovery!"

*He speeds through the foothills*

Sonic: "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"
*After a while, Sonic sets the shaking turtle down on the ground after their run.*

Sonic: "Let's keep this our little secret, okay? You never saw me." *Sonic does a mysterious voice* "I was never here."

*"Don't Stop Me Now" continues as Sonic runs through the woods and rushes into his current home in the trunk of a tree and he's having a real blast by himself by mimicking a singer, doing exercises, playing guitar, and jumping rope*

"So what did you expect?"

*Sonic was swinging on a tire swing*

"A dirty little hedgehog eating berries and struggling to survive? Think again. Because I am living my best life on Earth. I've got a library.." *

Sonic starts reading "The Flash" comic books super fast* 

"A home gym..." 

*He then runs inside a dryer like a hamster on a wheel* 

"and a state-of-the-art security system." 

*Sonic was Wearing a ninja headband and he starts swinging two pairs of nunchucks until he accidentally smacks himself and falls. After a bit Sonic plays ping pong by himself until the ring satchel falls to the ground, the rings and a piece of paper spilling out of it.*

Sonic: "Oh, no!"

*Sonic gathers the Rings and puts them back and then takes a look at the paper, which is actually a map of planets*

Sonic: "And if I'm ever discovered, I'll follow Longclaw's instructions and use my Rings to escape to a new planet...A nice, safe world..filled only with mushrooms."

*Sonic holds up a Ring to the map, tosses the ring as it opens a portal to the mushroom planet.*

Sonic: "Gross, smelling mushrooms..I hate mushrooms."

"But let's not worry about all that! This is Dentech city, the greatest place on Earth."

*Sonic runs off to the city, standing ontop of a building watching everything*

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