Camp Hermit-Blood

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"So, anyway- WHOAAA!" Scar screamed as the giant snake came out of a gap between buildings.

"SCAR!" Grian yelled, as he always did when his friend was in trouble. Then he attacked the snake.

Snakes didn't exist here.

Had Grover been telling the truth? Or was this some horrible mod prank by Xisuma?

It sounded like something Grian would do. Not X, though.

Grian's diamond sword passed through the monster as if it wasn't there. But it was very real when it whapped Scar with the end of its tail, throwing him toward the artificial sky of the Midnight Alley. "I'm flyiiiiiiiing!"

Grian swiped at the serpent with his sword again, but it just passed through. Not knowing what else to do, he ran and hid inside a building.

The monster threw itself at the door, desperate to get to its prey. Grian looked around the Magical Menagerie, desperately hoping that something would come to him.

Then he remembered Boo.

"Sorry, Scar," Grian said, wincing as he stood near the window leading into the charged creeper's enclosure. The snake had stopped thumping against the door for now, in favor of finding a smarter way in.

The serpent spotted Grian through the two layers of glass and broke through into the charged creeper enclosure. Feeling threatened, Boo lit up and exploded, taking the monster with it.

"Work smart, not hard," Grian mumbled, but he knew he would have some hard work to do if he wanted to fix the Menagerie. And some explaining to give Scar.

One thing was for sure, though: Grian believed Grover.

By the end of the week, the Bigeyes had been attacked as well. It seemed to be after Bdubs and Tango, but nobody was sure because Keralis was the one who ultimately killed it with a Netherite sword.

Xisuma stressed over the attacks. This was supposed to be a safe place. And now seven Hermits had been attacked by monsters who weren't supposed to exist.

Grover had said there were seven half-bloods in their midst. Could they be those seven, or others as well?

Xisuma contacted Grover with his communicator. I think a few more of the Hermits believe you now. Ren and Doc were attacked by a giant wolf, Grian and Scar by a snake, and Bdubs, Tango, and Keralis by a gryphon.

Grover replied, So, do they want to come?

That was followed by someone else taking over the communicator. HIYA I'M PERCY

No, you're Grover, you said so yourself.

Oh yeah, Grover's my goat friend. I'm Percy, though.

Percy who?

Sorry, that was just one of my friends. I swear he could be a son of Hermes except he doesn't have the looks. This is Grover again.

Lol, sounds like Grian

He's a half-blood, btw

I think he believes you. He keeps asking if I've contacted you yet.

I'll be there to pick him and the other demigods up tomorrow.

Xisuma leaned back in his chair. He hadn't understood all of the conversation, but he was willing to trust Grover.


"You said Netherite kills monsters?" Grover asked incredulously. "What's Netherite?"

"Speaking of uncultured," Ren said with a smirk. He pulled out his sword and set it on the table for Grover to see.

Grover put a hand on it. "It feels magical. I guess it could kill monsters. But we prefer to use Celestial Bronze."

"Charged creepers kill monsters," Grian added.

Scar crossed his arms. "That took three tries to get Boo in there. And you just had to go and explode him!"

Grian shrugged. "It's not like I had any other choice. That snake tossed my brain into space with you."

"You've only ever had two brain cells," Scar said.

"You've only ever had one," Grian countered.

Scar slumped in his seat, defeated.

"So, anyway," Grover said, bringing the two teenagers back to attention. "You've lasted a lot longer than most demigods. You're all above thirteen, right?"

Most of them nodded, but Bdubs said, "I'm twelve."

It feels right don't judge me

Grover nodded. "But you guys have survived longer than most half-bloods do normally."

"Who else is there?" Tango asked.

There were only five Hermits there - Tango, Bdubs, Grian, Scar, and Ren. Doc and Keralis weren't half-bloods, so some were still missing.

"Zedaph and Gem," Grover answered. "I think. They have the aura of half-bloods, although they're obviously not as powerful if they haven't been attacked yet."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ren said. "Let's get them and get the heck out of here!"

After a quick communicator conversation, Gem, and later Zedaph, turned up at Spawn. They both believed the monster stories and agreed to come to Camp Half-Blood.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Grover said. Then he played his panpipes again, and the portal opened.

"Ready to go to another dimension?"

All seven Hermits nodded eagerly.

They jumped into the portal.

I will make a part two to this when I feel like it but there will be a part two

So I guess it's not really a oneshot...

Hermitcraft/Empires SMP/Third Life/Afterlife RandomnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora