She's The True Art

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Isabela's POV:

Waking up, I started to get ready for another busy day. Y/n assured me that she loved me more than anyone and yet I still see her all over Mirabel whenever she's over.

I understand that she thinks of Mirabel as her sister too, but I couldn't help the feeling of disappointment whenever I saw them. She looked so happy to be spending time with her.

Although I still can't deny that I'm partly happy Mirabel was starting to become energetic again. The only downside was that she always ended up hogging y/n's time.

Seeing them try new things together reminded me of when she and I did the same. She never failed to amuse me with all the things she came up with. My mariposa, free to go anywhere she'd like, and yet she chose to stay by my side.

I watch as she and Mirabel try making embroideries from across the room, all their stuff scattered on the floor. And as if feeling someone staring at her, she turns to look at me.

A smile forms on her face as we look at each other. I feel my eyes soften at her sweet smile, just one look from her and my annoyance immediately fades. She sends a small wave my way and I return it before heading out.

Spending almost the entire day helping the town wore me out. Mirabel not getting a gift was kind of a blessing, she didn't need to feel the pressure of helping everyone, she didn't feel any weight on her shoulders.

She even had the time to do as she pleased, while I'm stuck here making perfect flowers almost every minute of the day. She could even play with y/n all day if she wanted to... it must be nice.

If I didn't have my gift we could be doing whatever we wanted right now. If things were different... But if I didn't have my gift, would we still be as close as we are now? I doubt it. My gift is the reason why she first liked me after all.

I let out a sigh, almost bumping into Dolores on the way to having lunch. "Isa! I've been looking for you. Have you heard?" She immediately asks, excited to share the info she just got.

"I don't think so. Why, what is it?" I ask as we get seated for lunch, sitting next to each other.

Dolores smiles brightly at me. "It's y/n! I heard she's set up a small booth by the fountain. It's the talk of the town! Everyone's complimenting her paintings of them."

"Really? But she's always with Mirabel..." I say as I take a bite of food.

"She sets up every afternoon when she leaves Mirabel home. You should go visit her." Dolores persuades me then focuses on eating. I nod and decide to pass by.

We eat in silence then head in our respective directions. I make my way to the center of town to check if Dolores was right, and I find her leaning against a canvas wearing a black shirt with jumper pants filled with painting.

She's painting an old couple sitting on the fountain, clearly focused but almost done. She's probably just adding finishing touches. I watch as she smiles whenever she turns to look at the old couple, how cute.

She doesn't even realize how beautiful she looks when she's doing things she loves. She looked breathtaking when she glowed with passion. I take notice of all the mannerisms she has as she paints; biting her lip when she can't get a certain color right, scratching her hair when she's frustrated, rubbing her chin when she takes another look at her work... 

Her art may be beautiful, but I was convinced that she was the true art. From head to toe, nothing could ever compare to her. She's perfect.

When she stands up, she shows the couple her painting. They look absolutely stunned by how beautiful her work was. "Thank you so much." She says and takes their payment.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 | Isabela x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now