Till They Take My Heart Away

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A/N: Hi! So ehe. I'm being extra here, but I kind of have a headcanon that Bruno absolutely adored Isa as a kid. Despite being kind of cautious while living with them because of his gift, he had a fondness for Isabela even before she got her gift and got labeled the golden child of the family.

I wrote this with him calling her Bela, since everyone else called her Isa. I want it to be something they share.


"They've found her!" Cheers around the village resounded, bells ringing in delight. The once grief-stricken townsfolk now all had hope-filled smiles sitting on their lips. "She's alright!"

The relief on their faces only seemed to be for finding a way to bring the gifts back, and not in fact, for the safety of the young teenager herself. They needed solutions to protect them as soon as possible. They needed to know they were, in fact, safe.

You rush towards their old home, still in broken pieces scattered on the pavement. The moment you see Mirabel, you pull her into your arms tightly and lift her off of the ground as you twirl her around. You take a deep breath in as you hear her laugh. "Thank god! Even if I don't believe in him."

Mirabel giggles and hits your shoulder lightly. "Shut up, other people might hear you. You know how they can get."

"Nope, I have no clue." You say in sarcasm. "You didn't get hurt out there, did you? You can't even feed yourself without my, or tía Julieta's cooking! You must be starving. And look at your clothes, they're all dirty! You don't even know how to wash your own clothes!" You exclaim with a goofy voice, wiping off a little bit of dust left on her cheek.

"I don't think that's anything to be worried about. We all know she takes a bath once every three days." Camilo chips in with a lopsided grin.

As if that meant war, Mirabel starts stating all the disgusting habits Camilo does in his daily life. "You don't even change your underwear every day! I bet you even turn it inside out and use the same one for a week!"

"What?! How'd you know?! Dolores, you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Wait... Really?!" Mirabel and Isa ask in synchronization. Luisa simply turns to him so fast she must've gotten whiplash, disgust all over her face.

You busy yourself with covering Antonio's ears, making sure he doesn't hear, and learn the same habits from his older brother. He was too pure to be dirtied.

"Y-you were bluffing?" He says quietly, turning a little red.

"Now, now. Settle down a little while our parents talk." Dolores states with an amused smile, getting seated on one of the few foundations left of their home still standing.

"There you go again acting like the most mature of us all," Camilo whispers with a teasing tone.

"I heard that." Dolores snaps back with a raised eyebrow.

"Dang, and I thought you didn't have your gift anymore like the rest of us." He replies once again despite being in a different conversation with Mirabel.

Luisa visibly shudders at the joke while seated on the floor, still not quite used to being okay with losing her gift and losing her purpose. "What a dark joke..." Antonio pats her head comfortingly as he stands next to her, nodding in agreement.

You turn to look at the adults, and surprisingly find Bruno Madrigal in the flesh, talking right by them.

The last you spoke with him was when Isabela had received her vision as kids. In truth, she was terrified to even ask. But the moment she received it, a light grew in her eyes.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 | Isabela x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя