3: To Catch An Owl

Start from the beginning

If he could strangle every single one of them he would.

It was strange though. Usually there weren't any rats or mice in Masutafu. They were a bit of a rarity with the quirk based cleaning system the city had. The fact so many of them had moved in all at once was suspicious.

So Yuji was out in the mask again, wandering the back alleys trying to find a trace of some sort of king rat. Perhaps a queen. Maybe just a ruler, who was he to judge?

Eventually he heard it. Someone was whispering in the darkness of a back alley near a large storm drain.

"Listen to me." They whispered, "I can free us. Your people will no longer live in fear!".

When Yuji rounded the corner to see a man dressed in literal rags talking to a rat in the palm of his hand. He was surrounded by rodents, some rats, some mice, who all had glowing red eyes.

"Well hello there." The vigilante said, making his presence known. The weirdo turned to face him, an evil grin on his face. "Are you mind controlling rats? 'Cause that's like comic book type shit." He added.

"Night Owl." The crazy bastard cooed. "This is good. It really is. Lets see if you can handle my troops.".

"Attack him!" The man shouted. The rats turned to face Yuji and leapt into battle.


The teen backed up and grabbed at his belt. He opened a pouch and threw a small disk out at the rats.

A massive, electrocuted net covered most of them, paralyzing them temporarily. Quickly he pulled two ear buds out of a different pouch and shoved them in his ears. Music filtered in, letting him relax immediately.

Those rats...they didn't sound good. He didn't need to hear them for this anyways, their glowing eyes were enough to tell where they were.

Yuji jumped backwards onto a dumpster lid. The remaining rats clambered up towards him.

"Fucking rats" He grumbled. The villain, who had barely avoided the net, glared at him.

"They are beautiful creatures!" The villain shouted, "They deserve to be here! The city has to stop chasing them off.".

"Buddy they're not meant to live around people. Wild animals and all that." Yuji said. The crazed rat man just glared.

Yuji sighed heavily, kicking several rats away from him. "I've had enough of this." He said, pulling what looked like a gun out of his pocket.

"That's enough!" A voice said, startling the vigilante. He supposed that the earbuds and the rats had made it impossible to hear the hero approach. "Put the weapon down." It was obviously Eraserhead, but another hero was with him. One Yuji didn't recognize. She was wearing a light perfume. Birthday cake scented? Something like that.

"Its not a weapon." Yuji said, not lowering the device from where it was aimed at the villain. The rats had frozen in place, completely unmoving.

"It sure looks like one. Put it down." Eraserhead commanded. Yuji, never one to follow the rules pointed it at himself instead.

"See?" He said, aiming right for his heart, "I can prove it."

"No don't-" The hero shouted, lunging for him. Yuji fired and rolled his eyes under his mask.

"Its a paintball gun, idiot." He said, "And now I have to get this stain out of my sweater. Thanks for that, Eraserhead.". With that out of the way he opened fire of the rapid fire yet tiny weapon on the rat man, who shrunk back into the corner, his rags offering him no protection from the bruising pellets.

"I'll leave the rest to you." He said, jumping from the dumpster to a nearby fire escape.

"Wait!" The female hero shouted, but he was already long gone. Eraserhead was following him.

The vigilante ran from one ledge to another, avoiding the tendrils of the capture weapon. He needed to get away quickly and he had a pretty good strategy to do so.

Quickly he climbed up onto the roof of the building he had been walking on the window ledges off. Eraserhead climbed up after him and the two faced off, barely 10 feet apart.

"Are you married, Eraserhead?" He asked, glad for the voice modulator he built into the mask. It had taken forever but it was more than worth it for the intimidation factor. Eraserhead flinched and looked surprised.

"You've got a husband, a blond? Yeah he's probably blond." The vigilante continued. Aizawa was stumped and temporarily lost in thought. 

"How did you know-" The hero continued but he was stopped when Yuji threw himself off the building.

The hero raced to the edge of the building and looked down. "Fuck." He muttered when he realized that the damn brat had given him the slip.


Honestly I'm going to use this series to throw all my weird villain ideas into. Like some real D.C type shit. Calendar Man level ideas.

I'm so used to having my characters fight the canon villains that I haven't had much time to come up with my own in a while 😅

I say this knowing damn well that I set up the Hero Killer in this fic.

Stay Tuned! 

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