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A//N: HEY!! Welcome to my 5th fanfiction guys :)

It used to be said that when a baby was born
they'd recieve the kiss of an angel,
ensuring that no harm would come to them,
It was a promise from their guardians that they'd be protected from the darkness.

That was just the way it was.
That's how it had always been.
That was how it was always meant to be.

And thats how it stayed,
until Liam was born.

Liam never got a kiss from an angel.
His angel never came,
Instead he got something much more demanding.
He got claimed,
by the dark angel himself.
He was Claimed by the fallen.
And there was nothing he or anyone else could do to stop it.

So what do you think? :)

Do you think that if you enjoyed this story enough that maybe you would go check out my other stories? ?:D or nah ._. I'm okay with that too :p

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And if you love me enough, give me a follow please Xx
It would mean the world to me ♡
Love you guys \(^-^)/

~StormyDirectioner Xx

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