Chapter Two

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Over 200 reads on the first chapter, that's amazing! Feel free to comment, it brightens my day!

Here is chapter two!

"LOUIS!" Lottie drops her glass of champagne and runs over to her brother, hugging him tightly. "This is the best thing ever. I thought you wouldn't be here." Louis can feel his sister's tears soak into his shirt. He doesn't really pay attention to it.

"So you are going to get married eh?" He smirks. Lottie pulls away from the hug and she nods. "Yeah, he's over there." She points at the corner where Harry is standing with Liam, Zayn and Niall.

"Zayn! Oh my god, Zayn!" Louis starts to laugh loudly. "I have always known it that the two of you have a thing for each other! Oh and look now, a few years later and about to get married!" Louis waggles towards Zayn, throwing an arm around him.

"Cheers to my best mate and my sister!" Louis lifts his half empty bottle of beer in the air, ignoring all the weird looks he is getting, especially from the curly boy in front of him. He is about to take a sip but then he starts speaking again.

"Let me give a small speech as big brother firstly as well!"

"Louis..." Zayn mumbles, slowly taking the smaller guy's arm from his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. Not only as a big brother but as well as a best mate. You are very important to me as well." He takes a sip from his beer before he starts his speech.

"Lottie and Zayn have only had eyes for each other since forever. I remember Lottie running to the bathroom when I mentioned that Zayn was coming around and she came back with lipstick and eyeliner, or Zayn mentioning during the Kissing Booth that he would never mind if his best friend would get with his sister. They have gone a long way and I'm so glad to be a part of this beautiful wedding. How do those young people call it again? Boat it! I'm totally boating this relationship!"

"Louis!" Johanna hisses. Louis looks up straight in the eyes of his mother, the woman he has hurt so much by leaving, but that's something he is not planning to think about.

"It's shipping." Niall says.

"What is shipping? I haven't ordered anything online. " Louis says, eyebrow risen.

"It's not boating a couple, it's shipping them." Niall explains, earning a nudge in the ribs from Liam who gives him a glare.

"Okay, Tomlinson so now that you have made everything totally awkward, mister big brother and best friend, maybe you should stop 'shipping' my best friend and my boyfriend." Perrie comes in between and pulls Zayn away from the drunken boy.

"Boyfriend? Are you all polygamous? I'm not judging." Louis shrugs, ignoring the small 'like I don't know that' from Eleanor.

"For fuck's sake, Louis." Fizzy comes in between now as well. "Lottie and Zayn are not together you ignorant dick, she's with Harry!" she rolls her eyes. "But maybe you would have known that if you were actually trying to take a part in our lives for the last three years."

"Come here, Felicite." Jay whispers, pulling her daughter closer to her. Louis' little sister has said many hurtful things, but Louis feels numb, not really caring about it.

"So who is this mystery guy then?" Louis doesn't pay attention to the words his sister just said. "Is it the Irish one?"

"It's Harry." Lottie smiles proudly, totally ignoring the way her brother is drunk and probably under the influence of drugs as well.

"Harry?" he questions.

Harry wants to stretch his arm to give Louis a hand but he accidently knocks over his bottle of beer.

"Oops." Harry's cheeks flush immediately. He can't believe that this is the first thing that happens, that he says, when he sees Lottie's lost brother for the first time.

"Hi." Louis chuckles. "Watch out there, Curly." He smirks. "So you are the one winning my sister's heart, yeah?"

People finally calmed down and they start chatting with each other again, leaving the wedding pair and the long lost brother.

"I hope so." Harry bites his lip and Lottie grabs his hand to make him feel better.

"I'm going to leave the two of you alone so you can get to know each other. Oh, this is amazing!" Lottie squeaks before she leaves and Harry can really start to cry now. He can't believe she leaves him alone with this... alien. Louis isn't a normal person. He scares Harry, intrigues him, he literally just shipped his fiancé with one of her best friend and he has no clue how to feel about that.

"So..." Harry starts, shuffling his feet in the sand. "It's really nice to finally meet you."

Louis rolls his eyes and stops a waiter, grabs a glass of champagne, and downs it.

"I hope you have good intentions with my sister." Louis says after he throws the glass in the sand. Harry gives it a painful look. He hates mess, he hates people that make a mess and god he really tries but it's hard to ignore the horrible alcohol breath that Louis has. It makes Harry want to throw up.

Don't pay attention to it, Harry. Lottie is over the moon that he is here, don't start a scene.

Harry bites his cheek to not just answer yeah I have, it's you I'm doubting but he doesn't do that. Instead Harry shows his fake smile.

"I really love your sister and I'm excited to spend forever with her. She is absolutely gorgeous and there is no one on this planet I could want more."

"Hm." Louis mumbles uninterested. "I don't think that's true."

Harry's jaw literally drops.

"What do you mean that's not true? I love Lottie!"

"I'm sure you do." Louis nods. "But I don't think there isn't anyone on this planet you could want more. People always want more than they have, I'm pretty sure science proofed that." Louis whistles to the waiter. He comes by and Louis takes to flutes of champagne, handing one over to Harry.

"Cheers, future brother in law." He lifts the glass and leaves Harry sitting alone.

Who the fuck is Louis Tomlinson and how is he even related to Lottie and her amazing family? 

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