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"Esther it's time for class, wake the heck up" Stormi Esther's roommate and best friend yelled throwing a pillow at the raven haired girl's head. "But I'm so tried" she rolled out of bed throwing the pillow back at her roommate,. "Fine E if you wanna be late it's on you're head."


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Stormi threw her backpack on her back and walked out of the dormroom pissed

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Stormi threw her backpack on her back and walked out of the dormroom pissed., Esther rubbed the sleep out of her eyes scowling to the bathroom. Washing her face with cold water to wake herself up then processes to brush her teeth smiling to make sure each one of them is clean.

Esther hopped into the shower have a quick splash., afterwards she fine some freshly clean clothes from wardrobe to wear for the day. the sounds of growling comes out of her stomach knowing what to do. Esther searches the fridge for same food.

she finds apple favoured breakfast bars and a bottle of water to drink., "well shit at least it's food.," she commented nonchalantly placing the items of food inside of her bag and exits her room to head to class hopefully on time. She wished at least.

"Well it's about time" Stormi spoke sitting at desk inpatient. Esther gazed up at the clock above the classroom wall, discovering that she in fact make it on time. But Mrs Nickels the teacher was no where to be seen

well that's odd., Esther thought.

"I saved you're sit" Esther thanked Stormi and sat beside her waiting for their English class to begin. "Does anyone know where Mrs Nickels is?" Harri asked sitting in the back of the class, just as dumbfound as their follow classmates were., "if she didn't show up ,I'll run the class for the day" Ava joked fistpumping Harri laughing.

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Esther Where stories live. Discover now