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Hyunjin and Jeongin walked into the school. "Come to rooftop at lunch time." Jeongin said to his friend before leaving him in the hallway. "What's up with him?" he asked aloud. "What's up with who?" Y/n asked as he put an arm around his shoulder, making him bend down since she's smaller than him. "Oh no one, let's go to our classroom." he said and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Ahh it's finally lunch time, I'm so hungry." Y/n said to her desk mate Hyunjin as she stood up from her seat. "Let's go to the cafeteria." she said. "You go ahead, I'll get Jeongin." Hyunjin as he stood up. She nodded and walked out of the classroom.

Jeongin stood on the rooftop, he was waiting for Hyunjin. He wanted to be honest with him, there shouldn't be secrets between them. He heard the door open but stared into the distance. Footsteps approached him. "Whenever we talk here, it becomes serious. So what is it that you wanna talk about?" Hyunjin asked and leaned onto the railing of the roof, looking at Jeongin.

Jeongin kept quiet for a minute and then looked at his friend. "We don't have secrets for each other, right?" he asked. "I'm not keeping secrets from you, if that's what you're asking." Hyunjin said. "Then I'm not going to keep any secrets from you either." he said, making Hyunjin change his position to listen to his friend more attentively. "I like Y/n." Jeongin said, being slightly scared of Hyunjin's reaction.

"I know you like her. I just can't help b-" "So we're each other's competition now. Didn't see that coming." Hyunjin interruped him. Jeongin didn't know what to say. It stayed quiet for awhile. "Let's go to the cafeteria, our beloved Y/n is waiting for us." Hyunjin said and put his arm around his shoulder.

"There you guys are. You should quickly get some food." Y/n said as she put her phone down. The boys got their food from the lunch lady and sat down across from her. "So what took you guys so long? I was so lonely here." Y/n said. "We had some boy business." Hyunjin said. "What?! No fair! You guys are excluding me." she said and pouted. "It wasn't anything big." Hyunjin said. She just kept pouting. Jeongincould only look at her adoringly, thinking she's cute while pouting.

Hyunjin and Y/n sat at their desks again. Unfortunately for them, lunch time was over. They had English right now, but Hyunjin wasn't there with his mind. He tapped Y/n with his elbow. She ignored it, wanting to pay attention to the lesson that was being taught. He tapped her again. "What?" she asked him. "Wanna go to the movies this weekend?" he whispered. "Sure." she replied, not knowing that Hyunjin considered it as a special moment. "You two in the back. Be quiet." the teacher said, making them to focus on the lesson again.



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