Revenge and Start over

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Klaus banged on the boarding house door. Damon answered it. " Where is Stefan?" Klaus snarled. "Out." Damon lied. "Don't lie to me. - I know he is here. - I can smell his scent." Klaus snapped. Stefan came up to the door. "It's okay Damon." Stefan spoke. Klaus grabbed Stefan. " Did it feel good to want to hit a woman? - just because she broke up with you." Klaus snarled. " No. - it wasn't the fact that she broke up with me. - it's the fact that she cheated on me with you. - and as far as wanting to hit her. - yes it felt good." Stefan snapped. " Say goodbye to your brother." Klaus spoke. Stefan looked confused. Klaus put his hand in Stefan's chest. And pulled out his heart. Stefan's body hit the ground with a thud. Damon swished out crying. As Klaus swished away.

The Grill.

Rebekah, Elijah, Elena and Jeremy were at the grill. When Damon came in with Bonnie and Caroline. Elena looked over at them. She heard Caroline say something. Klaus and Elena? Are you sure?  Elena shook her head. " What's that all about?" Jeremy asks. " What was what?" Elena asks. " You shaking your head." Jeremy said. " Caroline sounds jealous. - cause I'm with Klaus. - I think she fancies him." Elena spoke. "Well her tough luck. - cause I'm with you. - and I couldn't be happier." Klaus spoke. Jeremy moved so Klaus can sit beside Elena. " Thank you. - Klaus." Klaus said. " Jeremy. - Elena's brother." Jeremy spoke. " And your welcome." Jeremy said. Rebekah and Jeremy went to play pool. Elijah felt like a third wheel. So he left. " Hope Elijah finds someone." Elena looked up at Klaus. " I hope so too." Klaus said. "I might know someone. - I just need to talk to her." Elena said.

Caroline swished over to the boot where Klaus and Elena are. " You know Klaus. - I'm so much better than her. - you wouldn't need to worry if she is going to go with your brother. " Caroline smirked. Klaus laughed. "I don't worry about that. - and I don't need to worry. - you are not better than Elena. - I heard your witch friend saying that she is going to bring back Stefan. - if you want her to live. - I advice you to leave us alone." Klaus spoke. Caroline was shocked. " He means now Caroline." Elena spoke. Caroline swished away.

The Mikaelson Manson

Elena had finished her phone call to her friend in New Orleans. "She will go out on a date with Elijah. - this is great." Elena beamed. " It is. - fancy moving to New Orleans?" Klaus spoke. "What about Jeremy? - I can't. - I won't leave him behind." Elena spoke. " Well I was going to ask him afterwards." Klaus spoke. Elena smiled and kisses Klaus. "Yes. - I will move to New Orleans." Elena said.

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