The Ritual

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Damon swished to Elena and forced blood down her throat. Elena tried but failed to push him away. Stefan came in seeing a struggling Elena. Stefan swished towards them. And pulled Damon off Elena. " What are you doing?" Stefan shouted. " If this plans of Bonnie's don't work. - at least she be alive." Damon spat. " You are forcing her to be something that she doesn't want to be. - don't you care." Stefan snapped. " It seems I'm the only one that does care about her. - you don't care if she dies." Damon snapped. " I do care. - I love her. - how dare you. - I am just doing what Elena has asked me to do." Stefan snarled. " Leave. - I'll see what I can do to get the ritual. - stopped. - we don't need you." Stefan snarled again at his brother. Damon swished off to the grill.
Stefan turned to Elena. "Thank you. - I'm afraid. - what if? - now that I've got blood in me. " It doesn't matter. - you don't have to transition. - I'll support you in whatever decision you make. - if it comes to that." Stefan spoke. " Thank you. - that means a lot " Elena spoke. As she pulled him in for

Damon at the grill drinking

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Damon at the grill drinking. "Damn Stefan." Damon muttered to himself but Caroline heard him. Who in return walked over. "I've just gotten off the phone with Elena. - how could you do that? - how could you force her be something that she doesn't want to be? - we don't know if Bonnie's plan will fail. - but yet if it does you are making her be a vampire? - why do think suddenly she gonna wanna be with you instead of Stefan? - you are selfish Damon. - all you do is think about yourself. - nevermind what anybody wants. - go to hell." With that being said Caroline walked back to the table to Bonnie. "Damn him. - why did he even come here for?" Caroline spoke after telling Bonnie about what happened. Bonnie looked at the bar. And Damon was gone.  " Where did he go?" Bonnie asks. " Don't tell me your feeling sorry for him?" Caroline asks. " What of course not." Bonnie lied. Caroline shook her head. " You do. - that's ok. - he getting enough slack from Stefan and I." Caroline spoke.

Caroline and Bonnie finished their drinks

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Caroline and Bonnie finished their drinks. And left.

The next night.

Stefan went to the ritual. "Klaus. - you don't have to do this. - please." Stefan said."No. - it has be this way." Klaus went to walk away. Stefan grabbed him. " No it doesn't. - you could wait another 500 years. & I'll be hand that one over myself to you. - let Elena go. - let her live her life the way she wants it." Stefan spoke no pleaded. "The way she wants it. - hmmm, no. - she will die. - and I will become a hybrid. - there isn't anything you can do about it." Klaus spoke. That was deversion so Bonnie could set up. " No either you watch your girlfriend die. - or she can watch you die before she dies." Klaus folded his arms over his chest. Stefan backed up with his hands up surrendering. Klaus killed a wolf. Kill Jenna. Now it was Elena's turn. He was hesitating. But soon got over his doubt.  He stood behind. Elena.

As soon as Klaus started Bonnie was chanting

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

As soon as Klaus started Bonnie was chanting. But it was no good. It didn't work.

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