Young and beautiful

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- Emily Prentiss

Age: 37 -- Height: 5'8" -- Occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Lesbian

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Age: 37 -- Height: 5'8" -- Occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Lesbian

- Isabella Wilson

Age: 25 -- Height: 6'0" -- Occupation: irrelevant -- Sexuality: Lesbian

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Age: 25 -- Height: 6'0" -- Occupation: irrelevant -- Sexuality: Lesbian


"Iz?" She looks up from her book, "Yeah baby, what's up?" "When's the last time we went away, just the two of us?" Emily doesn't look at her while asking the question, "I mean I think it was in mid-July last year somewhere, when we went to that Bel-Air house, right?" "Yeah I think so, why?"

"No reason, just wondering."

"You know I don't believe that for shit, come on, what's up?" The brunette looks up at her.

"I miss that, when we were still falling in love and we would randomly travel somewhere, not caring about the world" she looks back down, "When we would lay under the street lights on the road, or when we danced in the middle of nowhere, I don't know it's probably stupid"

"It's not stupid baby." She lifts her chin up, making her look into her own eyes, "I miss it too, but I think this is so much better. We already know we love each other, we don't need to figure that out anymore." An idea pops in her head, "C'mon" She pulls her girlfriend out of bed.

"Iz what are you doing?" "I'm going to dance with my girlfriend, under the streetlights" She pulls her closer, wrapping her arms around Emily's neck.

Emily moves her hands to the younger woman's waist, letting them rest on her hips. "I love you Isa." The blonde smiles, "I love you too Emily"

"Forever, right?" She looks up, confused, "When you said you loved me, you meant forever right?" "Of course forever Em. Are you doing okay?" She nods, "Yeah, sorry, I'm fine"

"Never apologize to me about your feelings, Okay? Now, talk to me."

She nods, "I know you love me now, but what if I'm old and stuff? Like I know you're not that shallow but what about when I'm no longer young and beautiful, I am older than you."

A sadness takes over her eyes, "I don't care about how you look, yes you're hot as shit but you will forever be hot and pretty and beautiful to me. In every possible way." She wipes the tears away from Emily's face, "You're my girl, and I think you have the most beautiful soul."

She smiles, shaking her head while trying to get her tears to go away, "Okay, okay. Yeah of course"

"I love you Emily"

"I love you, Isa"


Comfort chapter tbh, relating to Em just a tad here

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