Last first kiss

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- Emily Prentiss

Age: 35 -- Occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Lesbian

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Age: 35 -- Occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Lesbian

- Jamie Ford

Age: 35 -- occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Bisexual

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Age: 35 -- occupation: Profiler at BAU -- Sexuality: Bisexual


"Babe, I would love to be there tonight but I promised Pen that I'd go to girls-night tonight." She rolls her eyes, "Yes, I know I promised I would be there more often, I'm trying okay, but you know the job." Jamie puts her phone between her shoulder and her ear, continuing to do her work. "You can't deal with my job? Fine, than this is over Jay."

"Lovers' quarrel?" She looks up from her phone, "Yeah, hey we're still on for girls night right?" The blonde nods full of excitement, "Obviously"

"I'm going home" They all look up, "What? It's 6pm, I'm done." Emily nods at her, "Wait for me"

They stand in the elevator together, "What are we even doing tonight? Are we going to someone's house or a bar?" Jamie sighs, " I really don't feel like going out tonight, we could meet up at mine?" The brunette nods, "Sounds good, I'll text the others."

Jamie gets home and starts to pick an outfit, she has about an hour to get ready before the others come. After looking trough her closet for a while she decides on a short top and her favourite black pants. She doesn't bother to dress for colder weather considering they're just going to stay in.

When Emily get's home she first goes to feed Sergio and takes a look at the outfit she had planned on wearing, she decided her black jeans and beige pull are good enough

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When Emily get's home she first goes to feed Sergio and takes a look at the outfit she had planned on wearing, she decided her black jeans and beige pull are good enough. She obviously wears her boots under them as she goes.

"Look at you!" The blonde almost screams when walking into Jamie's apartment, "Pen, are you drunk already?" She scoffs' "Ofcourse not" she's slightly slurring her words, causing Jamie to let out a laugh

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"Look at you!" The blonde almost screams when walking into Jamie's apartment, "Pen, are you drunk already?" She scoffs' "Ofcourse not" she's slightly slurring her words, causing Jamie to let out a laugh.

"How are things going with Jay?" She almost chokes on her drink, "I think we broke up? I'm honestly not sure, he couldn't handle the job so I told him we were over."

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Jamie sighs, "We weren't dating for that long, it's no big deal, who needs men anyway" She looks at JJ "No offense" "None taken?"

Emily stays weirdly quiet during the topic but no one really notices. Penelope decides to switch topics by introducing her own favorite drinking game, 'Never have I ever, but with sex-acts. You've done it? Drink.' Usually it's the other way around but knowing some of the people there, they'd stay sober for way too long.

"Okay, okay. Never have I ever, had sex where people could definitely see you?" Emily, Jamie and Penelope drink. "What?! How were none of you scared to get caught?" JJ laughs, leaning back on the couch. "It just adds to the fun" Emily says, putting down her glass.

"Never have I ever, fantasized about someone on the team while you were doing it?" They're all pretty drunk now but all of them take the shot. Emily shoots her eyes to Jamie, trying to see her reaction to the question.

"Who wants to dance?!" The blonde jumps up, dragging Emily with her.

Jamie dances to the music, smiling, not being worried about a guy sitting at home waiting for her return. She feels two hands take her own, opening her eyes to see Emily dancing with her.

Emily clears her troath, "What do you think about when you're alone?" She receives a confused look from Jamie. "Is it me?" "Okay Em, you are drunk." The brunette laughs, "We've been friends now for a while right?" She nods.

"I want to know, who you were talking about earlier." "What in gods name are you on about?" Emily shakes her head, "About fantasizing about the team, who on the team?" Jamie looks at her, startled.

"Emily, I don't.. I don't know how to answer that question," she takes a step back "I'm gonna get another drink." Jamie leaves Emily standing in her living room. "Em?" The brunette feels a hand creep up her back, she turns around to see JJ standing there. "Jesus JJ you scared me."

"Wat was that?" She looks confused, "Jamie looked weirded out, what did you ask?" Emily shakes her head, "Nothing important." She throws her drink back and slouches back on the couch.


"I drank too much last night" Penelope laughs; "You sure did rockstar" Emily watches Jamie walk in and realizes what she said last night. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night." The blonde shoots her head up to her, "What?" "About what I said and asked?" She shakes her head, "Oh, don't worry about it, you were drunk, you probably weren't even thinking."

"Yeah, of course." the brunette walks back to her own desk.

"Hey Em," She pushes her chair from under her and gets up, "wanna grab lunch together?" Emily looks up, "Yeah, sounds good"

"Are you doing good Emily? You seem off today." She puts her drink down, "Yeah, I'm good, nothing special." Jamie looks at her hands, "You're lying." She gestures towards Emily's hands, the nails barely recognizable.

She sighs, "I don't know if its a good idea if I tell anyone about it" Jamie places her hands on Emily's. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, but if you want to tell anyone, please talk to me."

"I like you, Jamie, I like you so much I'd quit my job, so much that I would go back to fucking Paris." She lifts her hands up from Emily's, "I want to be your last, I know I'm not your first and I don't care about that but I want to be your last. Your last girlfriend, your last time, your last first kiss."

"Shut up" Emily does as told and sees Jamie moving closer, she closes her eyes and feels the blonde placing a kiss on her lips.


This took way too long omg

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