Honkai x Marvel Part 1

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The Marvel universe i use is based on the Comics and parts of the mcu.

Earth -238301HI

Prechapter 1

After a large Fight With the celestials the Avengers rested in their Base in new york.

Stark Said proudly "Well Well Well never thought that we See roby Here ( current Ghost Rider) actually saving Our Bacon" Steve chimend in "He is right roby you did good" roby, a Kid from a poor neighborhood asked himself how Just how? Yesterday He was an b list Superhero and now hes Sitting next to thor, Steve rogers, Iron man His Friends in school would never believe him, He said "thanks Mister stark, thanks Captain Rogers" "oh comon Kid you are Part of our Team now" Hawkeye Said " We use First names" roby laughed. Spidy asked Ehm guys... Is this Button supposed to blink... Tony stark looked at it and quickly contacted Star lord. "Hey quill can you Help some Friends Out?" Star lords only Said yeah sure. Tony explained Then that 29 lightyears in the eastern Galaxy an weird Energy source has been detected and If they could investigate" Star Lord Said of course but Drinks are on him." Tony closed the com and looked at everyone. Steve asked If He was Sure Tony Said yeah why wouldnt He be the Guardians are strong enough to Handel themselves.

But the Guardians havent replied for a month now. Fearing the worst they send Out Thor luckily he has found them though they there badly injuired. Thor asked them what happend they told him that the Energy source came from an new Part of the Galaxy and it came from Strange Creatures and their weapons couldnt harm them so they fled and layd low. Fearing the worst the Avengers prepared for anything.

Prechapter two

This Version of the honkai Story is similar to the one we know But on a different Branch of the imaginary tree. And Takes places right before the current chapters climax (26) kiana is still a little flashed on how much stuff has happend. Then she gets a visitor.

On the Hyperion Bridge. Theresa goes to kianas room and find's her Training. "So Kiana Chan how have you been?" Kiana replied "good my honkai Levels are stable, bronya and fu Hua recoverd so yeah i am good". Theresa noded "... You know you can Talk to me" Kiana locked down and Then Up" Its Just all of this happend so fast himiko, Arc City, mei, World serpent, fu huas Resurrection. I still cant process this all."

Theresa Then bomped her head " comon you have grown so much in the past year. From a Dork who failed at any Test i gave her to a women who Beat a Herrscher. though Not Alone but still. You know If your mother and father would be Here they would be proud" kiana Just smiled at this. "Comon "Teri Said "Its Lunch time tonight will be an important Test". Kiana noded finishing her Training.

In the Lunch haal kiana saw the entire Army of Schicksal and AE still Not allies but at least thed eat together thats a start right? Kiana Sit down to bronya and fu hua.

fu Hua Said "Well tonight is the night right?" "Yeah" kiana Said" honestly i am scared that the reawken those poor Souls who Got trapped by the Herrscher of domiance" bronya Said "bronya knows but its an Experiment that needs to be done" kiana and fu Hua noded. They finished their food and talked a little Bit more.

At night kiana and bronya concentraded their Energy at the core frok hod. Nothing happend... Until all the systems across the Hyperion went haywire. Tesla asked einstein what has happend. Einstein only replied ... The honkai... They are leaving... Kiana asked over the com Channels "what?" Einstein Said again the honkai are leaving the honkai Levels are decreasing rapidly. Otto Said that this is an unexpected win for humanity and they should be thanking him. Non did.

Chapter one Arrival

Tesla and Einstein are still looking at the Monitors still Perplexed 89, 90 , 91 ...95 percent of honkai gone Just gone. Kiana asked of how it was possible. Tesla and Einstein Had No idea. Maybe it was the Combination of the 3 Herrscher Energies but that doesnt make any sence. Bronya said. " As far the bronya knows the honkai are Always coming once humanity evolved more. That so much is true Teri Said but there are Not more Humans in the Galaxy right? Everyone looked at Otto who Just looked Back at them. They Then decided to be on the Look Out.

Back on Marvel Earth.

The First Wave of Seraph Level honkai attacked wakanda. Luckily the shields there strong enough to hold them Back barely. They could even capture one. Tony, Strange and Tchala Then examined this Strange creature.

Tchalla Said even their strongest vibramium Spears could only make a scratch at them. Strange Then Cast a spell on the creature. Tony asked If He Got anything Strange Said. That they are Not from this Dimension Nor the dark Dimension but from somewhere entily different.

Tony Said If they cant have a break for Just a week. He promised peper and His daughter to take Hawaii.

Chapter two contact?

After 5 months of constant attacks Not only on Earth but the entire cosmons the Avengers finally Had a better understanding of These creatures. They only Attack civilasations who are highly evolved. And they Attack in waves. Each Wave is sometimes stronger sometimes weaker and there many Kinds some can fly, some can create loud Sound waves and some even Look human.

Humanity itself thanks to the mutants on krakora could hide. Some Avengers Teams where send Out to find surviviers, built over shelters and Fight the so called waves.

Meanwhile on the Hyperion Otto officialy has given His Position to Theresa and told His Subordinates to be durandal and Einstein talked Alone. Durandal Said " i May have an idea" Einstein, clearly overworked, asked really?

Yes so the honkai left this World maybe Just maybe the collision of the Herrschercores caused somesort of space Warp and maybe this Branch has more Humans in the Galaxy or at least similar beings. So If they are so evolved to be deemend worthy of "honkai destrucion" . Maybe they are smart enough to Track their Energy Signature. Einstein said that she needs to contact Tereresa. Luckily Teresa understood it quickly they have brought These demons to this Dimension so they Must Help them Just Like If IT where our Dimension

Back on Marvel Earth the Humans have actually become closer to their Cousins cyclops and Wolverine talked. "Huh kinda funny on how humanity Always asks us for help but Then they dont need anymore they Go Back to their old ways" Wolverine defended them "you kow Bub i cant blame them the unkown Always scared them" Then they Got a notice from Tony.

Once they arrived at the Meeting Point Tony Said. Well Ladys ive Got News. I need a small Team compresed of people who can Go undetected. Wolverine was the First volunteer, Spiderman the second, Deadpool the third and Ghost Rider the Last. Whats the Mission they asked. Well you Go to space Wolverine, spidey, Ghost Rider looked serious and Deadpool, Well He was Happy.

Chapter 3 "Well this is interisting"

"The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are in their way to kill the waves of Devils" Deadpool Said spidey chimed in "WE will Not intodruce our selves AS the horsemen of the Apocalypse. "

Wolverine Just Took Out one of this zogarrets but He forgot His lighter so roby asked If He can light it on Wolverine thanked him. While spidey and Deadpool argued of how they should say hello If they there people in that Zone. Wolverine stood Up and bonked Deadpool He died

Deadpool Said while in deaths Arms. That Bastard i'll Cut His Hair once i wake Up. Spidey finally being able to Take a break sleept and roby looked Out into the Stars. But He Had this Feeling. Revenge. somewhere Revenge Must BE done He tried also to sleep but couldnt.

After 2 weeks of travel the 4 Heros arrived at a near Gas Station Not so far from the concentraded " Wave" zone maybe there they could get answers.

Meanwhile on the Hyperion kiana and bronya talked "Its weird kiana asked the honkai is almost gone humanity is in some Kind of Peace Sure there is one small honkai spiked every view months but the worlds Organisations could prevent or Fight them now pretty good" kiana said bronya replied " da but bronya find's it Strange that World serpent was almost everytime the First one to arrive and Stop them" yeah kiana Said. "The News Stations cant get enough of them... You know what they call mei? Thunder Princes hahah it fits honestly" " you Miss her too right ? " Bronya asked kiana Said nothing. Then they Got an notification that a Ufo Just entered Earth Orbit.

Part 1 end

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