173 16 1

Target: Kim Jisoo

Chaeyoung sat at the apartment, alone, and bored. She gets off of her bed and walks to the closet to retrieve an item she always kept, she bends over to pick up the dusty box before leaving the closet to place it on the bed.

She lifts the box before seeing the old suit she used to wear, back when she and Jisoo were villains.

Jisoo was at the bar as she drank today, she was wasted in the room alone before the door opened. She looks up in a daze before seeing a girl silhouette,

"Looking for a good time?" The girl questions moved closer as Jisoo smiled,

"Hell ya," Jisoo laughs to herself before the girl sits on her lap, "Wow, your pretty."

"I like them drunk." The girl says kissing her as Jisoo's eyes widen, "Because it's a thrill."


Chaeyoung decided to bother Jisoo, so she heads to the bar. She walks in freely without waiting in line or such, the red flashing lights made her a bit dizzy but she knew where to go. Looking over at the bar to see no one, she sees how the room is slightly open and walks towards it.

"G-get off." Jisoo pushed the girl but she pushed Jisoo down on the couch, "leave me alone."

"Why should I? You killed so many people, Jisoo." The girl smiles, "Why can't I have my fun?" She laughs as her hand grip Jisoo's throat.

"God, This isn't how I imagined sex in here." Jisoo jokes feeling the tight grip on her neck, "Fuck."

"Now it's time." The girl rips one of her hands off her neck and grabs her hidden knife to kill Jisoo.

"Time for you to get the hell off of her." The girl hears a sudden chill of a voice beside her ear, she slowly looks overseeing Chaeyoung smiling sweetly at her.

"You better let her go now, sweetheart," Chaeyoung warns her, more like threatening her.

"Why would I do that?" The girl asks her challenging before Jisoo sat up suddenly and knocks the girl unconscious using her head.

"Wow, you finally use your head," Chaeyoung says,

"You give the best head." Jisoo winks as Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and shakes her head, "Have I ever told you, how much I love you?"

"Come on drunk, let's get you home." Chaeyoung pulls on her arm as Jisoo smiles,

"You're still beautiful as before."

"Stop it." Chaeyoung says before harshly pulling her up, "Let's go."

"Do you still love me?" Jisoo asks as she pulled her arm away, Chaeyoung looks at her confused before realizing she was serious.

"I-" Did she love Jisoo still?

"No, your drunk," Chaeyoung says before Jisoo laughs, the drunk girl walks over and gets in her face with a smile.

"You never change do you?" Jisoo asks as she hiccuped, "I love..." She slumps forward causing Chaeyoung to move and let her fall to the floor.

"Oops." Chaeyoung says as Jisoo was now asleep, "That got you to stop."

"Come on, Chaeyoung!" Jisoo laughs, "it's not bad!"

"Jisoo, I'm fucking handcuffed to a chandelier!" Chaeyoung shouts, "OF COURSE I'M GOING TO PANIC!"

"Yeah, but you're local spiderman is here!" Jisoo jokes shooting the chandelier, "See? Fun?"


"I'll catch you, woman!"

Chaeyoung carries Jisoo down the street as if it was a normal thing, Jisoo would be mumbling in her sleep as Chaeyoung walks.

A car pulls up to them as Chaeyoung didn't pay attention, Jisoo slightly opened her eyes as her vision was blurry. Footsteps would be heard, the sound of a thud would hurt, and the sound of shouting will be implanted in her head.



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