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(FIRST OF ALL I'M SO SORRY! I forgot the date 😅)

She ran down the streets as she held her gun closely to her side, she aims it and shoots forward at the person but they dodged it. She shoots again before the bullets were no longer existent.

She looks up and sees the person before they aimed the gun at her-


The cold sweat dripped down from her forehead as she sat up breathing heavily, She could feel the blankets stick on her. She saw a blurry figure but she didn't know the voice, her vision adjusted before she reached under the pillow and aimed it at the person.

"Easy sweetheart~" She smiled before the girl glared at her, "that's the last you'd want to do."

"Where am I?" She says harshly as the girl just held her smile, "what do you want from me?"

"I want you to work for me." The girl leans down and she swore she could see the evil glint in her eyes.

"Work for you?"

"Take it or... Face the consequences."

"HEY!" She shouts as she talked the person, she handcuffs them as her partner runs in late.

"I'm here!"

"You're late Lisa." She frowns as the man looked pissed still, "again."

"Sorry Chae, But you know... A woman got needs" Lisa jokes before they stuffed the man in the back of the car.

"Anyways, we got another call about the killer again," Chaeyoung says as Lisa sighs,

"Again? Can't we just have a stakeout or something?"

"You know the captain." Chaeyoung trails off, "let's go back to the station."

"Got it."

The ride back to the station wasn't fun, unless if you count Lisa threatening the man to shut up. They eventually pushed him into a cell where he rages,

"Officer Park and Officer Manobal." They stood tall as their captain appears, "Come with me now." They walked nervously down the hall and into a dark room.

"May I ask what is happening?" Lisa asks as their officers smiled,

"I need you two to talk to her." Their captain opened the curtain and showed the most wanted criminal besides the killer now.

"Ms. That's- We can't- I can't-"

"Is it a problem Manobal?"

"I'll talk to them." Chaeyoung says, "I'll do it."

"That's more like it." Their captain says opening the door for her, she walks in as eyes stare through her soul.

"Kim Jisoo."

"Officer Park." Jisoo smiled, "and what can I do for you?" She looks as Chaeyoung sat on the chair with a file.

"You sit here like you haven't killed anyone," Chaeyoung says as Jisoo smiled happily.

"1." Jisoo counts off,


"What are you do-"

"3." Everything went silent in the room as Lisa and their captain tried to hear what they could be saying... But it's silent.

"Now, where were we?" Jisoo asks, "oh! Don't act like you haven't killed Chaeyoung." Jisoo says darkly.

"Unlike you, I'm not a monster."

"Just because I'm part of it?" Jisoo laughs, "remember who you were before."

"Where are they Jisoo?" Chaeyoung asks cutting off the previous comment, "where?"

"Sorry officer, but I work alone." Jisoo says, "Besides you think I would work with someone like that?"

"Knowing you? Who knows"

"Please, I worked with you." Jisoo says, "only your hands were pleasant."

"You're useless."

"Why thank you." Jisoo crosses her arms, "now can I go?"

"Unless you want to die Kim." They both look to see the captain, "You're on death row as we speak. So I'll give you a way out."

"Oh, God." Jisoo rolled her eyes,

"Either help us find this killer and be free or die."

"Hmm... The second option doesn't sound bad, but I'll help- only on one condition."

"And that is?"

"I'll have my gun."

"We could do that."

"Captain!" Chaeyoung objects but they glare at her and leave, Jisoo chuckled annoyingly as Chaeyoung glared at her.

"Well princess, it's you and me again," Jisoo says as other officers grabbed her and drag her out, Chaeyoung looks at her hands and sighs heavily.

"I love you"

"You're delusional if you think I would say it."

"But do you love me?"


'what have you become?' Chaeyoung thinks until Lisa's voice was heard,

"Chae, we gotta go."


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