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Tokyo wasn't safe, another killing was announced. The citizens raged as Chaeyoung was sitting with Lisa in the bosses office,

"Do you know why I called you two here?" Their boss asked as Lisa and Chaeyoung didn't respond, "the city is blaming us for not doing anything!"

"We're trying Ma'am!" Lisa spoke as the boss glares at her, "we're trying but we aren't sure how-"

"Chaeyoung? Anything to say?" They looked at her as Chaeyoung looks back at them,

"No. It's not our fault we can't find them." Chaeyoung says, "it's not our fault people are dying."

"I knew working with Kim would make you like this." They chuckled as Lisa looks at Chaeyoung in fear, "she's a bad influence." This caused Chaeyoung to stand from her seat in rage.

"Excuse me? She's just misjudged!"

"Remember who got you this job in the first place."

"I didn't want this! I only did it for her!" Chaeyoung yelled, "fuck it, I quit!"

"Excuse me?"


"I quit." Chaeyoung takes off her badge, "I don't need you."

"And that's how you're stupid." Jisoo sighs shaking her head, "now what?"

"We'll kill like we used to." Chaeyoung says, "Jisoo, this person has to die."

"But is it worth it?" Jisoo questions, "you quit a job you love."

"You think I loved that job?"

"I mean you didn't have a problem betraying me." Jisoo says as Chaeyoung looks at her annoyed, "just go back to them."

"No, I made a choice and I'm sticking to it." Chaeyoung says, "now, it's time for the plan."


"I've decided to work at the bar again." Chaeyoung says seriously before Jisoo laughs, "what?"

"You're joking, right? There's no way I'm letting you back into-"

"You saw what happened to that man, They're gonna keep coming!"

"Chaeyoung, You're not going to work at the bar." Jisoo says, "Not over my dead body."


"-But nothing." Jisoo shuts her down, "The bar is highly dangerous and you don't know anyone there."

"Then what will I do?"

"How am I supposed to know?!"

And that folks, is how we get to present time,

Chaeyoung sat on the rooftop drinking before she breathes in the night air, Jisoo was out managing the bar tonight. She was alone.

"If you're gonna stand then make sure to water the plants."

"Where's your little guard?" She looks back at the black-haired girl, "what, she's on break?"

"What do you want?"

"Sadly nothing." The girl says before taking a seat next to her, "what's with the sudden drinking?" She asked as Chaeyoung frowns.

"I quitted my job."

"That's great!"

"But I don't know what to do, I want to go back but Jisoo isn't letting me."

"Of course, she wouldn't." They laughed as Chaeyoung looks at them confused, "You don't know?"

"Jisoo is just protecting herself, you dated each other but you betrayed her. She loved you." The girl says opening a can of beer, "she was very hurt because of you, so she's making sure it doesn't happen again."

"It affected her that bad?"


Jisoo sat there looking at her in utter shock before her eyes welled up in tears,


She sits in the police car before silently crying to herself.

"She wanted to marry you."

Jennie would hear the silent sobs coming from her sister.

Lonely in TokyoWhere stories live. Discover now