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"Let me go!" Jennie yelled as she sits in a jail cell handcuffed, "you're making a big mistake!"

"You tried to take Jisoo," Lisa says as Jennie looks at her, "not to mention you aimed a gun at Chaeyoung." She glared, she looks back at her file of Jennie and sighed.

"Well, isn't this lovely?" Jisoo sarcastically says as Chaeyoung looks over at her, "so, how long do we have?"

"Until the both of you get your shit together or else" Lisa answered as Jisoo laughs and walks to the bars,

"I'll like to see you even try." Jisoo pushes it but Chaeyoung makes a fist and punched a certain friend. Jisoo's face scrunches up, as she bends down in pain.

"What?" Chaeyoung asks, "now calm down." She warns the girl, "or else, I'll cut it off."

"Oh, kinky" Jisoo jokes but Jennie slaps the back of her head, Chaeyoung looks over at Lisa annoyed.

"How long until her next attack?"

"That's the thing, a few mapped it out but... We'll have to go undercover." Lisa says as Jisoo's head perks up, "it's at the black diamond."

"Black diamond?" Chaeyoung questions as Jisoo laughs loudly,

"Oh my!" She giggled, "Chae, you don't remember?"

"You came back!" She tackled Her into a tight hug, the girl chuckled squeezing her hips.

"I told you I'll always come back." Jisoo smiles as Chaeyoung kissed her, "how's the business?"

"You got to be kidding me."

The black diamond was a strip club, a very private one, nobody was allowed easily. Chaeyoung walks in casual clothes with the rest and Jennie, the girl was handcuffed to Lisa.

"Rosé!" Chaeyoung looks at the bouncer embarrassed, "and Jisoo!"

"It's been a while, Kookie~" Jisoo winked at him as he smiles, "Can we?"

"Yes, after all, it's all yours." He steps aside to let them all in, Chaeyoung and Jisoo both saw the red dim lights and women dancing on stage.

"She'll be where there are drunk men." Lisa says, "I'll alert the guy."

"Got it." Chaeyoung was alone with Jisoo, as they both watched the men fling money at the girls.

"You're not going to dance?" Jisoo asks as Chaeyoung's face reddens,

"N-no!" She denied before walking off to the bar, Jisoo takes one last glance before following.

"I'm nervous." Jisoo held Chaeyoung's hand seeing how the girl was freaking out, "what if something happens?"

"Nothing will, I got it all covered," Jisoo answers fast as Chaeyoung's head hits her chest, 

"I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"They'll be drunk." Jisoo says, "besides, you're great!"

"You pervert." Chaeyoung smiled as Jisoo shrugged, her name was now called.

"So no dance?" Jisoo questions, "a private one?"

"You're a criminal."

"You didn't seem to mind the last time." Jisoo says joyfully, "bartender!" She called him over.

"I was young and stupid" Chaeyoung defends as Jisoo looks at her in disbelief,

"Someone young and stupid that wanted to have my children?" Jisoo questions as Chaeyoung shakes her head, "tell me this, was I a mistake?"



Jisoo was harshly dragged off her chair as Chaeyoung tried to stop the men but they grabbed her too, she tried to fight them off but they slammed her against the wall causing her to blackout.

She woke up on a table as she found herself in her old uniform, she felt the coldness of the room around her body as she tried to cover it. She hears the door open and saw 4 men walk-in,

"Listen Bunny, we could use a little dance." One of the jokes as the other three laugh, Chaeyoung's eyes widen with fear but she couldn't scream due to the tie around her mouth.

They walk closer and grabbed her, forcing her to bend over. She shuts her eyes harshly until the door slams open, she looks back seeing Jisoo with a wicked smile. Blood running down her face which was a bit hot-

"You dare touch her?" Jisoo questions holding the bloody knife, "No one will touch her, ever!" She runs to them and attacks.

"Let's go somewhere private" the drunk man forcefully pushes her into a room, Chaeyoung cowards in fear until the door opens. Alive and now dead, the man lays on the ground.

"Pig." Jisoo puts her gun away before carrying her lover out of the room, "no one will touch you again, okay?"


Jisoo lets go of the last man and walk over the corpses to Chaeyoung, she looks over to see if she was hurt until the girl hugged her.

"Thank you" Jisoo froze as Chaeyoung was like a cloud, one wrong move... It's gone.

"Y-yeah." Jisoo clears her throat, "let's get back to the others."

"There you- Anyways, you just happened to miss it," Lisa says as Chaeyoung and Jisoo both saw her pointing outside, they all walk seeing a man laying on the ground.

You're next.

Written all in blood.

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