Chapter XXV: The Final Problem Act 2 (Part II)

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A few days after the incident, Y/N's part of the agreement had been started off. Her first objective is to ensure that the citizens have adequate shelter, and their needs must be acquired by them completely, giving them comfort and reassurance of a brighter future ahead of them. Her own estate welcomed them warmly while the others took shelter within some decent apartments that are free of charge with Y/N being the one paying all the fees. Subtle process of some rebuilding of infrastructure and other properties that had received damage could already be seen as Y/N makes an overview of the city by herself.

Being alone didn't seem to be foreign, avoiding loneliness as she reminds herself that her friends are still present and helping along as well with their efforts. Carefully stepping aside to make way for others and to avoid some debris, she greets back those who joyfully greeted her first. Y/N makes her way towards a certain officer whom she had been acquainted well, giving a response of equal politeness and respect to those who had recognized her of her status.

Gazing at the river where numerous boats afloat, she asks the police beside her. "Officer Lestrade, may I ask what's the current report of your search?"

Too focused with inspecting the area himself, Lestrade was surprised with the sudden question and even just by her presence.

Hastily making his own recognition of the royalty that was reassured to be fine by her, Lestrade soon gives her an answer in which he had assumed would sadden her. "There's still no sign of either of them at the moment, and it would probably be the same the next time you would inquire about it, young highness. I apologize for bringing you bad news, despite it being quite early in the morning still."

Glancing at her in concern, he was surprised to know his assumption was incorrect.

"I see. All your efforts are enough and perhaps it's time to accept the another same result. It's now time to start anew." Y/N informed with a smile filled with hope and acceptance as Lestrade could only nod in response before continuing on with his task.

Despite having the effort of making a large-scale search, neither of the two's body was found. It may be caused with her stubbornness to ignore the negativity or hoping too much of the positive, something deep within her still instinctively believes that the two are both alright somewhere, unsure if both are together, but certain that they are safe and sound.

Three months had passed since the alarming incident that greatly affected the city, having most of it be reborn to its better state. Despite facing the said result of him being denounced, Albert has relinquished his fortune to begin a recovery fund, whilst keeping the Moriarty name out of it, along with most of Y/N's riches as well. With a decree from the newly announced royal, most of the nobles themselves had also given their full support and contribution to let the country rise up once more. It's quite clear that her part of the agreement had been soon successfully reached, ensuring that everything is better than it once was.

Having her own part by helping to make everything progress smoothly and quickly, it only caused her connection with the others to grow and be temporarily relieved of the busyness she really endures herself. A vacant time of hers, despite it being a task of hers as well, had been luckily given, leading her to take a stroll and enjoying the day's warmth. Improvements could be seen around her as she continues her journey to have a meetup with some friends of hers. Even if the action itself is still a part of some of her responsibilities, seeing them again does not make it unbearable, unlike just doing some paper works.

"Young highness, you're just in time for our private mini ceremony." Mycroft greeted her with a smile in which was immediately returned.

Both him and Louis's actions to show respect are halted by a silent request from the young highness, who had soon made herself positioned right beside Mycroft after carefully passing through the small gap behind the desk. 

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