Chapter VIII: A Study in 'S' Act 1 (Part II)

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"How nice of you to join us again, Detective Holmes." Lady Y/N greeted the person standing behind Miss Hudson that was also the companion who excused himself earlier while the other two stopped their conversation to take a look at Sherlock.

Miss Hudson cuts off the small silence that ensued. "Took you long enough." 

Being relieved from the surprise that he had felt about how easily the two had managed to get along with the landlady, Sherlock snaps out of his temporary frozen state.

"Y-Yeah... All of you seem to be quite open with each other, especially you two." He tries to nonchalantly respond after his presence had been known.

"Yes, Lady L/N is such a sweetheart and Mr. Watson is a very down-to-earth gentleman." Miss Hudson nodded, giving a smile to the two people in which was returned.

The door of the tavern suddenly opens and in came another person who went straight to their group, speaking up immediately before Sherlock could utter a word. "Apologies for intruding such a merry occasion."

All three of them focused their attention to the newcomer, a person which is unknown only to both Y/N and John as Miss Hudson greets the man. "Oh, hello."

John inquires who the man is as he looks back at the said lady in question with Y/N also waiting for an answer. 

"He's Inspector Lestrade of the Scotland Yard." Miss Hudson answered in return. Both Y/N and John exclaims his profession before asking in wonder what could be the reason of his visit.

Clenching a fist, Sherlock couldn't help himself to get excited as he loudly exclaims, thinking that Lestrade's visit is caused by the usual reason. "Here it comes! My case!"

Y/N blinks twice, surprised by his sudden excitement before asking, getting excited herself to experience how he could possibly solve one and whatever happenings could greet them while he's doing so. "Your case?"

Sherlock pats Lestrade's shoulder, letting his hand stay there as he explains. "John, and Y/N, this is my job. When the police have a case that's too much for them to handle, I step in and solve it as the world's foremost... consulting detective." Sherlock takes a step back after he retracts his hand, smirking at the two.

"Consulting..." John utters as he and his other two companions looked at Sherlock's retreating form when he starts to walk away with a march on his steps.

The revealed consulting detective calls out to the police officer as he did so upon noticing that he's not being followed by him. "Lestrade! What are standing around for? Let's be off to the crime scene at once!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we cannot do that." Lestrade informed solemnly before he closes his eyes, still in the same position without even batting an eye to the retreating detective.

"Huh?" Sherlock stops in his tracks, craning his neck to look back at the officer in confusion, not quite expecting such response from him.

Lestrade speaks up again as all of them intently listen to what it is about. "As it happens, tonight, at about 22:00, Count Drebber was murdered. On the floor beside the count's body... was a message written in blood. It reads... 'Sherlock.'"

"What...?" Sherlock uttered as he moves a bit to properly glance again at Lestrade. Lady Y/N discreetly narrows her gaze, hiding away any signs of amusement and other emotions she's feeling that's inappropriate for the current situation.

Lestrade approaches the detective, stopping before a clank could be heard that cut the silence as the detective's wrists were handcuffed. "I'm quite reluctant to do this myself, but... Sherlock Holmes, you are under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Count Drebber."

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