Chapter VIII: A Study in 'S' Act 1 (Part I)

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"Thank you for accompanying me, Y/N. It's been so long since we saw each other." Walking along a busy street in London, Y/N's companion verbally expressed his gratitude along with a small grin he gave to the lady.

It was returned with a smile by Y/N as she then informs their arrival before halting her steps. "Indeed so. It looks like we're already here." 

His walking stick softly clanked on the ground as they stop in front of an establishment that towered over them with brown walls and closed balconies on each floor. John takes glimpse of a small piece of paper he's holding with his vacant hand and back again at the building. 

"Baker Street, 221B. This is the place." He affirmed and they proceed to approach the dark door with the said numbers and letters plastered in golden brass over the same colored knocker with a simple design. John knocks using it three times, but receives no answer.

"Is no one home?" Y/N asked, peering the door with a curious gaze after she stands beside John, mutually listening for any sound that indicates an incoming person on the other side.

When they heard nothing of the sort, John gives a sheepish smile before shrugging off. "I'm not quite sure, although I'm right on time." 

Deciding to enter the apartment and just apologize to whoever is inside for their intrusion later on when they would manage to meet whoever they might be, John slowly opens the door while expressing his excuse of their uninvited presence. "Begging your pardon---"

He peers through the gap, but became alarmed when a weird smell greet the two that made Y/N ask once she steps inside the building after John. "Where is that smell coming from?" 

John wasn't able to give an answer as he also wants to know it himself and instead he continues to explore and climbs up a set of stairs he first saw with Y/N following closely behind him while the both of them remained to be wary of their surroundings.

"Excuse me, is anyone at home?" John loudly questioned while continuing in his steps, but his question was only answered by silence. 

When they reached the top of the flight of stairs, John proceeds to ask the same question again, but something caught his attention before he could do so. 

Releasing a surprised gasp, he immediately rushes towards the lying body inside a room and releases his walking stick before dropping on one knee as he was positioned beside the body before asking the unconscious individual. "You there! Are you all right?"

Y/N fastened her pace, but returns it back to normal once she got a good look of who the man is. 'Is that...? Don't tell me... Well, it looks like my task will be much easier than I thought it would be.' 

She mentally remarked while she stands beside John, who started to inspect the body before she asks with a small hint of concern. "How is he?"

John softly touches a certain spot on the man's neck and answers her question while he does his inspection. "His pulse is normal... and his body temperature is unaffected..." 

He turns the man's head to face him and squeezes both of his cheeks that made him open his mouth as Y/N clears her throat to prevent a small laugh to escape from her. 

"Nothing is blocking his airway. There doesn't seem to be any external injury... so where did the blood came from?" John inquired while he quizzically looks towards the pool of dark red blood painting the carpet.

The man's mouth starts to move as he asks what time it is that made John retract his hand as Y/N busies herself by observing the room, smiling proudly to herself when she noticed that William is right with most of his guesses about the man. 

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