Chapter VII: The Noahtic Act 2 (Part II)

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The feeling of the one being hunted overwhelmed Lord Enders as he picks up his pace to avoid getting caught, running through the carpeted hallway of the ship and towards the upper deck while slipping away again from the guards that blocked his way when he opens the door leading to the area. The people inside the theater had also got out themselves and are searching where the murderer went, only to find him desperately clinging onto the mast of the ship. Lord Enders crazily chuckles to himself as he thought that no one could catch him as long as he stays where he is, finding the others looking up to him in amusement.

He loudly laughs in victory, assuming that he acquired such, which was cut short when a bullet accurately hits the sole of his black shoes that made him slide down a little as he immediately tightens his embrace around the pole to stop his motion. He was successful in doing so, but unfortunately, it won't be long. Finding his position quite dangerous and that he might easily fall, he tries to grab onto a rope near his left. He desperately reaches out his hand, but a bullet hits the back of his limb as he screeches in shock and fear. He slowly starts to fall from the high position he was in while being witnessed by the crowd.

The wind that accompanied him greatly disturbed his clothing as it also caused him to panic further, already imagining the result of his situation. Halfway through his fall, he searches through the crowd and locks gazes with William. Albert and Y/N are standing by his left and Fred by his right. William gives a sinister smile with a shadow on his face, adding an effect to the fear that Lord Enders felt as he felt William showing him his spite. With a final scream, Lord Enders was silenced by the surging waters of the sea as he was instantly gobbled up by it, bringing himself to the deep waters and will soon meet his end.


The calming sound of tea being poured out from a small white porcelain kettle with golden rims on both Y/N and William's teacup of the same design and texture was followed by the swing of the door opening as Moran steps inside the room. 

Louis puts the kettle on top of the table where the other sets of teacup and container for sugar sat atop of it and greets the new comer who proceeds to take a seat on a fancy blue themed arm chair in front of the couple. "Mr. Moran, welcome back."

"Yeah. I need a whiskey." Moran replied while he crosses his leg over the other, leaning comfortably against his seat.

Louis glances at the bottle in front of Moran on the table and replies. "It's all ready for you, right there." 

Moran leans forward and gets the bottle, opening the cork and pouring himself a glass of the drink. Louis asks, gazing at Moran. "What was the sentiment in town?"

Moran wasn't able to drink after he puts the bottle back where it was placed earlier as he answers. "The whole place is in a terrible fuss. A case of murder on the stage of the maiden voyage of a luxury liner---it would be far more unreasonable to expect folk to not be talking about it. It gets better. Rumors are going around that the man hunted people. There are some MPs in the House of the Commons who are calling for an investigation of his hunting grounds to verify that."

William takes another sip of his tea before responding, his usual calm expression shown on his face as he was quite glad that everything went according to his plan. "When the day comes that the investigation is carried out, and the bones of those hunted by Lord Enders are unearthed, the commonality is sure to be appalled."

Moran gingerly smiles and makes a remark. "Judging by your expression, you must have already taken a few measures."

"Brother is exercising his influence which will likely turn out favorably." Said William. The young lady sat beside him gazing at Fred pouring water on some flowers planted in vases, then towards the two again to listen intently to their conversation.

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