"Maybe if you were on time for once," I hedge as he sits beside me, summoning a matching glass into his hand.

"I'm a busy man," he shrugs.

"Busy is one way to put it," Helion replies, a glint in his eye.

Lucien scoffs, but I frown. "What does he mean?"

Lucien rolls his shoulders back. "Helion thinks it funny to tease me about how... well- traveled I am," he explains. "He says it's like he has shared custody of me with half of Prynthian."

I snort, turning to Helion. "I'd gladly give up my share of custody if you'd like it," I offer.

"I'm not a child being tossed between relatives," Lucien groans. "Sorry if I have connections. Not all of us have wives who can magically flip the reputation of a court." Yes, where would I be without my Nephele- whose giggles I can hear in tandem with my mother's from the direction of the doorway?

"So Tamlin is still struggling?" Helion asks.

Lucien shrugs. "I'm still having trouble with bridging what the public thinks of him after the war," he admits. "They struggle to forgive how he treated his soldiers."

"Why do you bother?" I can't help but ask.

"Tamlin took me in when no one else would dare," Lucien tilts his head, taking another sip. "He's my brother- same as you. And Spring had been my home for a good while. I struggle to turn my back on it."

I nod. "Is there anything we can do to help?" I ask. I could often forget how Tamlin took in my brother in a time where I couldn't protect him. It's a kindness I'm not sure I could repay, but I wouldn't mind trying.

"Actually..." Lucien says, an idea sparking in his head.


Dinner is served in courses of salads and roasted meats and spiced fruits and soft vegetables. Nephele- at this point- looked just about in a food coma, nodding off against my shoulder on the rooftop as we all share a glass of wine, looking out over the oasis.

I shrug her awake with my shoulder, her whining as she grumbled awake. "Should we tell them now?" I lean over to whisper into her ear. "You know... before you doze off completely."

Her energy shifts then, something eager in her nod. "Tell us what?" Mom asks, eavesdropping as usual. I clear my throat, facing her as Neph takes my hand.

"Neph and I..."

"Are mates?" Mother finishes, and Neph chokes on her wine.

My eyes go wide. "You knew?" I ask, baffled.

Mother laughs, holding her side. "Eris, Dear, I'm your mother," she reminds me. "I'd like to think I could pick out your perfect equal just as much as the cauldron. It had all been pretty obvious to me."

Helion blinks, turning to Lucien. "Did you know about this?" He asks, out of the loop.

"What?" Lucien gasps. "You two are mates?" His lie isn't even a little convincing.

"This was quite anticlimactic," Nephele says to me, disappointed. "I wanted to surprise you guys."

"I'm surprised," Helion offers.

I shake my head. "I can't believe you knew," I say to mother. "Why didn't you confront me?"

"Because you respond so well when confronted with the truth," Lucien chirps in sarcastically. "Especially when it involves being vulnerable-"

"Lucien," Mother snaps. "That wasn't very nice."

"But it was true," Nephele hiccups, her and Lucien sharing a laugh at my expense. My mother rolls her eyes, facing me.

"I knew you would tell me when you were ready," she says. "You always did- when things were important. I didn't want to rush you."

"Did everyone figure this out but me?" Helion asks, looking around.

"Don't take it personal, Big Guy," Lucien pats him on the shoulder. "It took you a half century to figure out that I am your son."

"Lucien!" Mother snaps, even more appalled now, especially as Helion laughs deep from his gut.

"And what does it say about you that you thought that you and this one had the same father for even longer," Helion nods to me. A laugh hiccups out of me, Neph smothering her drunken laugh into my shoulder. Just about all Lucien and I had in common was the color of our hair and the shape of our eyes. He was several shades tanner than me and his bone structure was all Helion.

"That's not something to joke about," Mother crosses her arms, struggling to hold in her laugh.

"You're right, Mother," Lucien agrees solemnly. "It is insensitive to bring up how much more handsome I turned out than Eris, especially in front of his mate. I shouldn't seek to embarrass him."

"I don't know, Lucien," I retort. "I must be at least a little bit fortunate looking. I don't think Neph is with me for my warm hearted personality."

"It's true- he's better to look at than to listen to," Neph confirms. "Once you get over the red hair."

"Hey!" My mother, Lucien, and I all interject at the same time, Helion and Neph sharing a laugh.

"All I know is that the four of you have next to no manners," Mother shakes her head before looking between Neph and I. "And I'm happy for the both of you. Really."

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