Chapter Eight- The Final Ship

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Purpled felt a form of closure knowing a threat was gone without getting blood on his hands, but he was also confused.

"Sir," Purpled chirped, looking at Philza, who was slightly taller than him. "How'd you know I was here and that she was planning something?"

"I've been doing this for years. I know when a threat is in my kingdom," Philza explained.

Purpled nodded and opened his mouth to speak but paused.

Why does it feel wrong to ask for the reward now? The prince is dead, so it'd be rude to ask, Purpled thought.

"I'll get you your reward," Philza cheerfully spoke and he walked out, stunning Purpled with his words. He hadn't expected the king to read his mind, yet there he was. He didn't even know if he just knew or if he actually had read Purpled's mind.

Purpled followed close behind but was stopped by Tommy and Tubbo, both of which looked like they'd been crying for hours- which was an exaggeration, of course, but it made Purpled feel bad for them.

"I," Purpled started but was shocked when both Tommy and Tubbo hugged him tightly. "W-what?"

"Philza told us what happened," Tommy said softly, his voice sounding like he was on the verge of tears again.

That man moves quickly, Purpled thought.

"What you did wasn't right," Tubbo told Purpled. "But, we forgive you. We can't afford to lose you too."

Purpled nodded and slowly hugged his friends back.

"I have somewhere I need to be," he said after a while, breaking free from his friends' hug.

"Of course! We'll be on the ship, for real this time," Tommy said, smiling and walking down to the docks with Tubbo.

Purpled walked to the hill in the distance on the east side of the castle and stood in front of a tree, staring down at a makeshift tombstone that was really just a carving in the tree with a bunch of roses planted below it.

He sighed. "Why do I hate you? I don't even know if you are dead, I just made this because I felt obligated to."

"Maybe you don't hate him," the familier voice of the king spoke behind Purpled.

He spun around. "In the name of XD, you're fast, sir," Purpled said, taking a deep breath.

"I know. I have many abilities," Philza spoke, walking over to admire the makeshift gravesite.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked before I did this," Purpled frantically spoke, "I just know that when I was 13 he disappeared and last place he mentioned going was here."

"It's a nice thing to do for your brother," Philza smiled. To Purpled, he seemed awfully calm for a man just watching his son die and the other leave.

"If you're worried about Tubbo and Tommy, I promise to protect them," Purpled nervously stood beside Philza.

"I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about you. You're just a kid, you shouldn't be dealing with this yet."

"I'll be fine, I've been doing this since I was 13."

"Go home, mate." Philza looked at Purpled. "Take care of the children and yourself. Don't travel again until you know they're safe. I'm getting a feeling that Roy won't stay very long in his kingdom."

Purpled bowed and nodded. "Of course, sir."

"Philza, sir!"

Purpled and Phil looked at the bottom of the hill and saw Ranboo walking towards them.

"Hello Ranboo," Philza spoke, greeting the Ender.

"I heard what happened, I am so sorry I couldn't be there. My mother tried convincing me to go back home and I couldn't get any guards for a while."

"That's quite alright Ranboo," Philza smiled and glanced at Purpled. "Would you like to stay in the Erythro kingdom with Tubbo, Tommy, and Purpled? They're your age and I think you'd get along well."

Purpled looked at Phil then at Ranboo.

"If it's alright with them then sure. It'd be better than the End."

Purpled nodded. "Come, I'll show you where the ship is."

Philza waved the teens off as they walked to the docks.

"Oh, Kristin, my dear," Philza said, looking up. "Take care of our sons, please. I'll see you soon, I promise."

Purpled stepped aboard the ship going back to the Erythro Kingdom with Ranboo and called out for Tubbo and Tommy, who quickly came running.

"Hi! I'm Tubbo and this is Tommy!" Tubbo quickly introduced himself, shaking Ranboo's hand.

"I'm Ranboo," Ranboo stammared, shocked by the welcome.

"Why're you so tall?" Tommy asked, looking up at Ranboo.

"I'm not that much taller than you," Ranboo replied.

"Uh huh," Tommy remarked. "Anyways, I'm Tommy, as Tubbo said. My father is the king."

"That's very cool," Ranboo smiled.

Purpled stood at the side of the ship, looking at the water as it pulled out of the dock and making its way east, to the Erythro Kingdom. It would take a week or two to arrive, but he had patience; it was Tommy he was worried about as far as patience.

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