Chapter Seven- The Execution

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"I didn't kill him, father, believe me!" Wilbur yelled out, standing and meeting Philza's eyes, trying his best to copy his twin's deeper voice.

"I hadn't noticed how much you've grown before today, Wilbur," Philza calmly said.

Wilbur looked at Philza in shock and walked towards the bars.

"What?" He stammered.

"What happened? How are you here?" Philza reached his hand through the bar and cupped it around Wilbur's cheek. "Everyone thought you were dead. Techno got framed, I was worried I had failed both of you."

"Father, Sally had the mercenary from the Erythro kingdom kidnap me. He's working with us now, but Sally made him frame Techno for killing me so he'd die and she'd get the throne. I'm taking Techno's place so he can try again at life as I did." Wilbur teared up. He missed his father, and he realized he wouldn't see him again for a long time.

"I know, son. I'm dealing with it." Philza brought his hand back to his side." But first, we have to-"


Philza looked down the hall and saw two guards making their way towards them.

"Yes, Niki?" Philza backed up from the cell as Wilbur wiped his tears.

"It's almost three, we must prepare," the young female guard spoke.

Philza nodded and walked off, leaving Wilbur with the two guards.

"Come on sir, I'm sorry it's come to this," Niki said as she unlocked and opened the cell door.

Wilbur nodded and held out his wrists as the other female guard, Minx, put metal cuffs on them. She smiled at Wilbur and saluted.

"It was an honour, sir," she proudly said as Niki saluted behind her.

Wilbur bowed and thanked the guards as they all walked outside.

Technoblade stood in the back of the crowd but was still able to see Niki and Minx standing on either side of Wilbur as they escorted him down the path to the gallows. Tubbo and Tommy were standing on the platform along with Philza, who was holding a black rose and was wearing the kingdom's golden grown with emerald jewels on his golden blonde hair. Roy stood on Philza's right, holding a white rose in his hand. His face looked weary, a contrast to his brother's, who now looked calm and more awake. Roy's appearance was still neat and clean, but he looked tired, as if he wanted to, he'd collapse on the ground and sleep forever.

After reaching the platform, Niki and Minx stood at the stairs as Wilbur walked to stand between Philza and Tommy.

"I thought you guys went back," Wilbur whispered to Tommy and Tubbo, mimicking his twin's voice.

"Purpled insisted we did, but we disobeyed, obviously," Tommy explained.

"Quiet," Tubbo whispered. "We're not supposed to be talking to him, Tommy."

"But we're like brothers, Tubbo!" Tommy whispered back.

"Both of you hush," Roy demanded as he put his long, blonde hair in a ponytail, making Tubbo and Tommy instantly go quiet.

"Teach me that trick sometime?" Philza jokingly asked Roy, who just glared at him. He sighed and smiled then stepped forward. "My people," he called out, grabbing the crowd's attention.

Purpled watched Philza talk and glanced at Technoblade to make sure he wasn't caught yet.

After Philza's speech, he motioned for Wilbur to lay his head on the guillotine and the blade was raised.

Wilbur smiled at his father as tears streamed down his cheeks. He turned to Tubbo and Tommy and despite his goal of trying to sound like Technoblade, he let out a voice that was recognizable by millions,

"Thank you."

Tommy and Tubbo looked at him in shock as they teared up. Tommy was about to yell out before Wilbur hugged him. He sobbed into Wilbur's shoulder for a minute before letting go and watching him sit and lay his head on the lunette, prepared for his fate.

Roy held onto the rope that was keeping the blade in the air and waited for Philza's signal.

"You are entitled to last words, Technoblade," Philza announced.

Wilbur smiled at his father and looks to the crowd, catching Technoblade's eye before saying the words that Technoblade would forever remember,

"Smile, Blood God. It's your turn to be happy."

Philza looked at Roy and nodded, who looked away as he let go of the rope, dropping the blade.

Technoblade stared in horror at the scene before him as tears flooded his eyes; Wil was gone. His twin, his best friend, the only one who understood him, was dead. All because of his actions.

Technoblade dried his eyes and pulled the hood down further to prevent someone from recognizing him, he couldn't afford to get caught now. He separated from the crowd and made brief eye contact with Philza. Quickening his speed, Technoblade ducked into an alley that was connected to the docks.

Ship to L'Manburg, Technoblade thought, looking around. That's what Wil said. Get to L'Manburg and you'll be free.

After walking up and down the dock, Technoblade found a ship to L'Manburg and paid the Captain.

Just before he was about to step aboard, Technoblade heard a familiar voice.


It was Philza. How'd he know? Techno panicked.

"I beg you to tell the truth," Philza continued, "did you mean to get Wilbur killed?"

Technoblade felt his eyes tearing up again as he faced Philza, keeping his head down.

"How'd you know that was Wil?" Technoblade muttered.

"You two may be twins, but I can tell you two apart, Techno," Philza sighed.

"I didn't mean to," Technoblade explained. "But you tell me. You're the one who killed him, father."

Philza tossed him a bag of food. "You can't come back," he spoke, changing the subject.

Technoblade caught the bag and threw it over his shoulder. "I know. I don't plan on it."

"Then go. I'll take care of things here until I can join you."

Technoblade nodded and stepped aboard the ship.

Philza smiled and watched the ship sail away.

Purpled leans against a building in the alleyway and stared at the gravel underneath him before hearing the ground shuffling to his right. He looked towards the back of the alley and saw Sally.

Oh shit, he thought.

'Oh shit,' indeed my friend, the voice rang.

Shut up.

"You ignorant child!" Sally hissed.

"The king didn't do anything, ma'am. To be frank, the prince didn't need to die either, but he was giving his brother a chance to be happy. It was his choice," Purpled spoke, trying not to sound afraid of what could happen to him.

"I'm going to give you a choice, child." Sally held a small pocket knife. "You kill the king or I kill you."

"Nobody's killing anyone."

Sally turned around and saw Philza.

"What's wrong? You look pale," Philza said.

"He set me up, sir! You have to believe me!" Sally stammered, dropping the pocket knife.

"Stop your crocodile tears, ma'am," Purpled spoke as he walked by Sally to Phil's side, watching as guards walked over to grab Sally.

"I'll call my father!" Sally threatened.

"I've spoken to him," Philza explained. "He agreed it was best for you to be exiled. He even let me choose the location."

"What? No! This wasn't how it's supposed to go," Sally sobbed as she was dragged to the docks by guards.

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