Chapter One- The Twins

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"Today's meal is a meal I made myself actually," Wilbur, a 20-year-old servant and prince, said as he placed down the platter on the table and lifted the lid to reveal a fancy dish. "Garlic steak, cooked to a perfected medium-rare, sided with potatoes," Wilbur announced.

"You made this? I'm surprised," Technoblade, the 20-year-old king and twin to Wilbur, spoke.

"Hey! I can cook, Techno," Wilbur defended. "I even made you potatoes, give me some credit, man."

"Alright, I'll admit it looks good. But where's Philza?" Techno responded as he grabbed the knife and fork on either side of the dish.

"I'm here! Sorry, I'm late, the neighbouring kingdom had a few questions about tomorrow," Philza, the former king and the father to both Technoblade and Wilbur, rushed in.

"Must we continue with tomorrow night's plan? You know I have no regard for marrying," Technoblade sighed as he took a bite of his food.

"You know we can't cancel, Techno," Phil said, sitting across from Technoblade at the giant table. "It'll make us seem like bad people, and th-"

"We ARE bad people, Phil!" Technoblade stood, slamming his hands on the table, which startled Wilbur a bit, "Have you forgotten what your father did? And your mother? And who I am!?"

"I have not forgotten, no," Philza muttered.

Years before Philza took the crown, his parents had started a war with the neighbouring kingdom. When Philza inherited the crown, the war was still happening, and so, in an attempt to stop the war, Philza agreed to marry the daughter of the kingdom and give the crown to his firstborn son. Technoblade inherited the throne on the condition that once he turned 21, he is to marry to not only keep the peace but to unite kingdoms. This is the deal Philza made in order to stop the war from arousing again; once the firstborn son of the next generation turns 18, he is to marry into a nearby kingdom. Philza knew the consequences would lead to this, but he was afraid of war, so he took it.

Upon Technoblade and Wilbur's birth, one of the sons, Technoblade, was cursed as the Blood God's host. The Blood God was a powerful, immortal entity that takes the form of thousands of voices in his host's body. The voices all speak at once and say different things in different ways; crying, screaming, yelling, laughing, etc. But if the voices get too much or the host listens to the violent side of them, the host can go insane or have outbursts of violence. This has happened to Technoblade a few times as a kid.

Technoblade caught a glimpse of a scar on Philza's arm. He took a deep breath and sat back down. When he was 14, Technoblade had one of these violent outbursts and in the process, had tried to kill Philza, but only managed to drive the sword through his arm. After months of healing, Philza had recovered, but he can barely use that arm now, and seeing the scar still makes Technoblade feel guilty.

"Well!" Wilbur chirped, breaking the silence, "Speaking of tomorrow, I have a list of the guests here if you'd like for me to read it." Wilbur held a clipboard with a list of kingdoms and the guests coming from each kingdom.

"Go ahead," Technoblade growled, continuing to eat his food.

"Okay, so we have the neighbouring kingdoms of the Dark, with Lady Death coming," Wilbur spoke.

"Just call her Kristin or Mother," Philza chimed in. "She is your mother, blood-related."

"True, but I'm being professional," Wilbur explained.

"Just keep reading," Technoblade demanded.

"Right, so we've got the Kingdom of the Dark, Kingdom of the End, with Queen Akari and her daughter, Princess Marissa, Kingdom of the Nether Wastelands, with King Herobrine and his son, Eret, Kingdom of the Void, with uncle Blake and cousin Jaylen, but they're just coming for business, as is uncle Roy and uncle Luca," Wil continued. "Kingdoms from everywhere coming with their eldest children."

Technoblade stood and walked out of the room.

"I really suggest we don't do this, father. I can marry, Techno doesn't have to. I am turning 18 as well tomorrow," Wilbur faced his father.

"I'm sorry, we can't. It has to be Techno," Philza sighed, standing. "Trust me, I would have you marry if I could, but I can't put you or Technoblade through the worries or hardships of war."
Philza walked out and Wilbur took Technoblade's unfinished dish to the kitchen.

After finishing his chores in the kitchen, Wilbur changed from his formal clothing to a plain yellow sweater and jeans. He grabbed his guitar, walked through the back door of the kitchen, and ran down to the shore. He stood and stared at the ocean before sitting against a rock.

An hour or so went by before Wilbur decided to go back inside, but before he stood, he noticed a silhouette sitting behind the rocks nearby. He tilted his head and slowly stood, leaning his guitar against the rock, and walked over, curious.

"Hello?" Wilbur said, hoping to grab the attention of whoever was there.

The silhouette perked its head and turned around to face Wilbur.

Wilbur gasped lightly as seeing who was there.

There was a woman, around Wilbur's age, with red hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles. She wore a dark teal dress and looked as if she was scared that she'd been caught.

Wilbur could feel his face growing hot as he spoke. "Hi, I'm Wilbur Soot, but everyone calls me Wil or Wilbur." He held out his hand to the woman.

"Sally," the woman spoke, slowly taking Wilbur's hand and standing. She smiled softly and Wilbur smiled back. "Aren't you the king's twin brother?" Sally realized, quickly pulling her hand back. "Why are you down here?"

"Oh! I come down here every day during this time. After around 6 pm, unless there's an emergency, Techno allows me my own time. I'm not his slave or servant, I do what he asks 'cause it's my job and he's my twin," Wilbur explained.

"Sounds like a slave," Sally chuckled.

"Hey! No! Not a slave!" Wilbur stammered.


Philza's voice called from back at the castle.

"Oh! I gotta go! Sorry, Sally, we can talk later!" Wilbur quickly grabbed his guitar and ran back up the hill and inside the castle.

Sally smiled to herself as he watched Wilbur run back inside. She walked away.

"Wilbur, I have good news," Philza said as he and Wilbur made their way to the throne room.

"Oh?" Wilbur pushed the throne doors open and saw Technoblade sitting on the throne.

"Alright Phil, hurry up. What is it? I was fixing to go to sleep," Technoblade demanded.

"Right right, sorry mate," Philza chuckled.

Wilbur looked at Philza with confusion.

"I've made an agreement with the kingdoms," Philza proudly spoke, smiling. "Techno doesn't need to marry anymore, Wilbur can, because you two are twins."

Technoblade sat up from his laid-back position, intrigued by his father's words.

"But, if Wilbur doesn't find a suitor tomorrow night, the End kingdom offered to arrange a marriage between their princess and you, Techno," Phil explained.

Technoblade looked at Wilbur, who smiled.

"That's great!" Wilbur exclaimed. "You don't need to marry anymore, I can!"

Technoblade let out a breath and smiled slightly.

"Oh! And another kingdom from farther as announced they're coming as well," Philza announced. "Their daughter is not only the princess, but she is a hybrid as well, so treat her well please."

"We're hybrids, father," Wilbur said.

"Yes, but she's not a normal hybrid, so again, treat her well." Philza walked out.

"Now that that's over." Technoblade stood and walked out as well, leaving Wilbur alone in the throne room.

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