Chapter Four- Missing

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Technoblade and Philza pushed through the crowd, not being mindful of the guests they were knocking over or shoving to the side.

Sally's shrill and terrified scream had been heard by a nearby guard, who when they immediately saw the sight, rushed inside to get the king and his father.

Purpled quickly ran to the side of the castle, hiding his weapons and getting his jacket from where he had left it as to not be suspected. He quickly tore off his mask and placed it with his weapons before entering the castle again, instantly putting on an act of fear.

"Purpled!" Tommy cried out, running over to his friend with Tubbo.

"Guys, I heard the shot," Purpled panted. "It came from the beach behind the castle."

"Phil and Techno are there now," Tubbo said.

Tommy turned in the direction of the kitchen. "I'll go-"

Purpled grabbed his wrist before Tommy could leave. "No, you can't! That's the thing, I think the king killed Wilbur!"

Tommy looked at his friend with a look of shock.

"Techno would never kill Wilbur!" Tubbo exclaimed, also in disbelief.

"Maybe, but last I saw Wilbur he was leaving with Techno, alone," Purpled continued, trying to sell the act.

"Yeah, but Techno came back before the shots were fired," Tommy said, trying to convince himself that his friend wouldn't kill his twin.

"Tommy! Of course, he wouldn't kill Wil himself! If you wanted to kill Tubbo you would hire someone so you weren't caught! Techno had a guard kill Wilbur!" Purpled shouted, making the crowd of frantic guests go quiet and stare at the three teenagers.

"Well shit, Purpled!" Tommy shouted back.

"Guys! Please don't fight!" Tubbo chimed in, pushing his tall friends apart from each other before facing the crowd. "Everything's alright!" He laughed nervously. "I'm sure the king didn't kill Wilbur. Wilbur's fine! I'm sure!"

The crowd began the panic when the same guard from earlier ran in. Purpled immediately recognized the guard as his friend, Ponk. Ponk was a guard for Techno, but he worked more for Purpled than Techno, never questioning his boss, even if he were to tell him to jump off a bridge.

"The prince is missing," Ponk announced. "We can't find his body, and the princess of the Jade Kingdom is missing as well, so we cannot officially conclude if either are dead or alive."

Purpled nodded to Ponk and he nodded back.

"But, as stated by a witness, we have reason to believe that the king had tried to kill the prince in an act to make sure he would never advance the crown."

There was a trickle of gasps and whispers that danced around the crowd as the guests were in shock and denial that their king would do so much as kill his own brother.

"Philza," Technoblade stood in the kitchen with Philza, listening to what the guard had announced.

Philza looked at his son in disbelief.

"Philza," Technoblade stammered, quick to defend himself. "I would never kill him! He's my twin, my brother, my blood!"

"Techno, I have seen what you're like out of control." Philza rested his hand on Technoblade's shoulder, but Technoblade was quick to pull away.

"You think I lost control!? Philza, I haven't lost it in months, you know this!" Technoblade shouted. "Please, believe me, father..."

Philza shook his head. "I don't know what to believe anymore Techno. Just let them take you in, son. Make it easier for yourself, I'll find a way to help you, I promise."

Technoblade smiled in disbelief at his father. For the first time in a long time, Philza could see genuine hatred coming from his son's eyes as guards flooded the room and stole the king from his father.

The crowd dispersed as the guards stormed in dragging Technoblade, not even putting up a fight, just yelling back at his father, feeling betrayed.

Ranboo heard the commotion and pushed past the crowd, managing to see what was happening before the guards got to the castle doors. They yelled out,

"Hey! Why would the king kill the prince!? He has no reason to murder the one person he trusts!"

Ranboo looked around but before yelling out again, Ponk cut in.

"This kingdom's matters are not anyone else's concern, let alone an Ender's."

Ranboo stepped back upon hearing those words. They watched helplessly as the guards escorted Technoblade out of the castle and a roar of insults and angry cries erupted from the crowd. Ranboo could tell that the anger and the insults were meant for them. Protecting a traitor to the kingdom is bad enough, but due to Akari's actions in the past, the Ender had a bad reputation and was always were told to be bad people.

Philza walked up to Ranboo and laid a hand on their shoulder before they slapped his hand away.

"You let them take your son, sir," Ranboo said. To Philza, they sounded more afraid than angry.

"And I said I'd find a way to get him back, and I will," Philza promised.

"You'd better."

"Marissa!" Akari hissed as she walked up to Ranboo and grabbed them by the arm. "You have embarrassed me, your people, yourself! You should feel ashamed of yourself!"

Ranboo opened their mouth to speak, but not before Philza did.

"Queen Akari, is it really sensible to handle your child like that? If it were my child, I would be proud for trying to stop an innocent man from getting arrested."

Akari was stunned to silence as she let go of Ranboo's arm.

"Ms Akari, please escort yourself out before I have my guards do it for you," Philza calmly spoke.

Akari looked around at the crowd staring at the scene before she stormed out.

Ranboo looked at Philza. His eyes and warm smile were all they needed to have the courage to ask,

"Can I stay here?"

"Is it safe for you back at your kingdom?" Philza asked, motioning for the guards to escort all the guests out.

"Not particularly." Ranboo rolled up their sleeve and revealed a cluster of burn marks and scars.

"Then, of course, young highness," Philzaa smiled. "I'm sure Techno or Wil have some clothes they outgrew. Let me go check."

Ranboo felt grateful as they followed Philza.

Purpled walked alongside Tubbo and Tommy as they walked on the gravel road.

"I still can't believe Techno would kill Wilbur," Tommy was the first to speak out of the three.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to; surely it was just an accident," Tubbo responded.

Purpled kept silent as he read a letter Ponk had handed to him on his way out.

"Hey, uh, guys," Purpled spoke, looking at his friends, "My friend needs me. Like urgently."

"Oh, it's fine, Purpled!" Tubbo chirped. "You don't need to escort us to our ship, it's just down at the docks."

Purpled nodded and turned, walking back towards the castle.

As he grabbed his weapon and mask, Purpled looked at the small house by the east river. The letter had told him to go there for the rest of his payment, so that's where he was going. He still had a job to do, after all.

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