Chapter Five- Payment & Plans

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Wilbur slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he was still weak and didn't have much strength, but he could tell where he was: a dimly lit room, with no windows, only a single lightbulb that was on its last stretch, it seemed. In front of Wilbur, there was a door that he probably wouldn't have noticed without the doorknob, as the door blended in with the wall itself. In the corner, Wilbur saw Purpled playing with an emerald; he was no longer in the suit from earlier, instead, he was wearing a dark purple hoodie and his mask.

Purpled glanced over at the prince tied to the chair and looked away again, leaning his head on the wall.

"Why am I here?" Wilbur asked, his voice echoing around the empty room.

"Because I was paid half of what I was promised," Purpled grimaced.


"Yes 'paid.' I'm a mercenary, I go where the money is."

"What happened?"

"You're chatty. Not as chatty as Tommy or Tubbo, but chatty," Purpled stood and stretched.

"Answer my question," Wilbur demanded.

"Scary," Purpled remarked. "You're here because my client wants you here. Your twin is now accused of killing you and he has three or so days till his execution. Nothing you can do, nothing I can do."

Wilbur stared at his captor in shock and tried to reason with him.

"Please let me out! Techno doesn't deserve to die! Why does he even need to die?!"
"I dunno man, I'm just a tired teenager who hasn't eaten all day or slept for days and who's trying to find someone to trust more than my own name." Purpled began to play with the emerald again, tossing it in the air and catching it then repeating the process.

"Please, I just want to save my brother," Wilbur begged. "Don't you have a brother or a sister or any family that you'd do anything for so they were sa-"

Wilbur was cut off by something shiny and green flying by his face, just missing his cheek. He looked at Purpled, who tilted his head and glared at Wilbur, in a position indicating that he had just thrown something. His eyes weren't a natural colour, Wilbur had just realized; one was a faded blue the other a faded purple colour. He could tell these eyes belonged to someone filled with guilt and anger, or perhaps a hatred for someone. The sixteen-year-old took a deep breath and stood again, pulling out a gold coin from his hoodie pocket and beginning to fidget with that.

"No. No one," Purpled said calmly, despite his hostile action just moments before. He smiled at Wilbur, but it was more of a sad smile than a smile of someone with evil intentions. "Not anymore. No one cares enough to stay."

Wilbur was still stunned in silence at the boy's mood swing that he didn't know what to say.

"Well, young prince, I'm going to go meet my client now. She seems rather pissy."

As Purpled turned to walk out, Wilbur called out.

"I can pay you double what she pays you, triple. Please, get me out of here."

Purpled looked back at Wilbur and lowered his mask.

"Give me 24 hours."

Sally sat on the small couch in the living room as Purpled walked in from the basement.

"I knew you could help me," Sally cheerfully spoke.

"I do the same amount of effort I do all the time, ma'am." Purpled leaned against the wall by the basement door.

"Sure you do. But aren't I your favourite client?" Sally smiled at Purpled, which made him uncomfortable.

"Ma'am, I am a minor and nd you are my client; please refrain from anything not business-related."

The King and the Ghost- A Twinsduo storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ