The man's murky dark eyes study me with an eerie intensity. He is dressed in all black. His black hair is gelled flat to his head. His skin is rather pallid. He looks sickly, honestly.

This is the man tormenting everyone? He looks like a creep out of a early 90s thriller movie.

I know better than to make hasty judgments about my enemies, though. Power comes in many forms and fashions. All I know is, I can't wait to drain him of his authority.

My guard raises higher when I sniff at the air. He doesn't smell distinctly wolf or human.

"You're brave to come alone," he says. My eyes drop to the black wooden cane in his hand. He isn't leaning on it for support, so I'm going to assume it's a weapon.

I snarl at him. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Same as you." He shrugs. "Peace."

"This isn't peace. You've been having lost wandering rogues commit crimes for you. Murder, trespassing, vandalism, theft, kidnapping. Don't give me that bullshit," I snap. "Tell me what you're here for. What could you possibly want from an innocent human?"

His smile makes my skin crawl. He tells me, "Of course, it isn't your mate I want. I am much more interested in you. You have defied me in impossible ways. You should be dead."

I lift my arms. "Well, here the fuck I am. Did you abduct my mate again to kill me? Because that didn't work so well the first time if I recall."

"You're a fiery little wolf, I'll give you that."

My inner beast trembles. She wants to show him just how fucking little she is right as she guts him head to toe.

We stand in our places, me glaring while he calmly studies me. Everything in me is itching to let go and rip him to shreds, but I refrain. He has something up his sleeve. I need to figure out what it is before I make a move.

"Bring her," he says.

I stiffen as the car door opens on the other side of me. Arabella jerks Emery's unconscious body out and holds her against her front. She smirks at me.

"Leave Emery out of this," I hiss, glaring back at Jacob. "If you want me, then leave her alone."

"You misinterpret my actions, Lenora."

"Alpha to you," I growl.

He chuckles again. "I'm not like you. I don't obey your customs."

"Then what are you?"

My gaze flicks back to Emery, my senses acutely tuned to her steady breathing. I'm at least grateful that she doesn't have to see this.

"We'll get to that later," he says with that consistent, patient smile. "Arabella, bring the girl to me."

"No," I hiss, stepping forward.

Arabella rolls her eyes and starts towards the man. Another threatening growl rolls out of me as I surge forward, my body prepared to do whatever it takes to keep Emery out of this man's hold.

"Stop," he commands.

Arabella halts but I continue to the front of the hood. Jacob's cane whips out across my path but not touching me.

My lips pull back. "Release her, Ara. Now."

"She's my crony, thank you very much," Jacob says. "Arabella, place the girl on the ground."

"Give her to me!" I bellow.

This time Ara flinches and glances between us, conflicted. I keep my eyes trained on her. Jacob can go suck off for all I care. He's not convinced me that he's dangerous yet, though he has an element of intrigue that I know better than to mistake for harmlessness.

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