First Fight

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A/N: I'm sorry for the late update. I'm gonna try updating more often. It's a long chapter tho, hope it was worth the wait.

Pls comment and vote to motivate me finish this fic


By the end of the week, Frank could turn invisible and back visible on command. It wasn't perfected, but enough to sneak out without Ronald or his parents noticing.

It was Friday, Mikey's parents were out for dinner, so Mikey invited Frank over. It had been a long time since the last time they hung out together after school. They used to hang out nearly every day after school, but ever since Frank got grounded, it went down to none. But that was gonna change soon. Frank now can control his powers, and he can use that to his advantage to sneak out.

And so, he made his bag and threw it out of the window along with some clothes. He watched it land and then put on his playlist, the volume high enough so they can hear when passing by his door, but low enough to not get too much attention. He then became invisible and made his way out. Not long after, Frank was standing in front of Mikey's house. He lifted his fist and was ready to knock when suddenly the door opened, showing Gerard on the other side.

"Good evening, Frankie," he said with his usual smirk, and that's when Frank noticed his eyes. Instead of his hazel eyes, they were now red, but as in you can see the fire flames in his eyes red.


"Eyes?" Gerard finished for him, his smirk getting bigger, "cool, right? I can do that now. Bet your powers aren't as cool."

"I can't see how that might help you in a fight," Frank rolled his eyes as he made his way inside.

"Ok, imagine this, I'm fighting with this villain and then I'm struggling and he's gonna kill me and I flash him THESE eyes and I bet he'll fall in love with me," Gerard explained as he followed Frank inside, "then he doesn't kill me, making me kill him."

"Gerard, you're so full of yourself. No one's gonna fall in love with your eyes. They're not even that hot," Frank lied. He might think they are a bit sexy and attractive, and it definitely suited Gerard's face. Not to mention, with that smirk of his, he looked like a sexy devil.

But of course, that was just Frank's weird thoughts. The ones you get without asking for it. Like when you randomly think about murdering someone, but of course, you won't do it, but everyone thought about it at least once in their life. Specially while doing the dishes.

"Frank!" Mikey exclaimed as he came out from the kitchen, followed by Ray, "you made it!"

"I did!" Frank replied with as much excitement, "What are the plans?"

"I thought since Ray is here too, we can show each other where we got at with our powers," Mikey explained, "then-"

Before Mikey could finish, he was interrupted when the front door suddenly opened, his parents coming in while shouting. On instinct, Frank made himself invisible but then remembered the clothes that don't disappear with him and reappeared to not scare the shit out of Mikey's parents.

"No, Donald, I just think you forgot to make the reservation!" Donna yelled, "You failed to do something as simple."

"Well, I'm sorry, Donna, it's not my fault you think too highly of yourself to go to another restaurant," Donald yelled back, "I don't see how Hooters is-"

"Oh god, just shut up and stop making this any worse on yourself," Donna said as she kicked off her shoes, "let's just go eat my lasagna. There's nothing better than my homemade lasagna."

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