And So It Begins

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When Frank opened his eyes, everything was too bright, confused at what the hell was happening and where the hell he was. One thing he knew: it felt strange. He feels dead and tired, at the same time perfectly ok.

When a few seconds passed that's when he realized he was in a hospital room. He was all alone, so he couldn't really ask anyone what happened, so, the only option left was for him to figure out it himself. The last thing he remembers is the tour. Then he and Mikey separated from the group and then- oh shit! Everything came back to Frank as he sat up on his bed.

The explosion. The ball exploded. It was all Gerard's fault though. If he didn't act like a child, they wouldn't even be here, and by them I mean him, he doesn't know where the others are. One thing he does know is that he's screwed. His dad is probably so pissed right now, he won't be surprised if he disowned him. Why did he have to be such a fuck up?

Speaking of a fuck up, he suddenly remembered Mikey. He was in the explosion as well, he gotta go check on him wherever he is. Frank only remembers the explosion, after that, he has no idea what happened. What if he didn't make it? It'll all be his fault, knowing something happened to his best friend because he dragged him there.

This gave him the motivation to get out of bed. Weirdly, he felt fine considering he has survived an explosion. His head and his back hurt a bit, but that was his last concern now. He ripped all the tubes connected to him as he made his way to his bag and clothes set on the chair next to the bed. He quickly picked up his clothes, changed into them and made his way out. However, the door opened before he could even touch the handle, and a doctor came in.

"Mr. Iero, you shouldn't be up," he said as he gave Frank an annoyed look.

"Well, I am," Frank said as he made his way to the door again, only to get stopped by the doctor. Frank gave him a look as he said, "look, I feel excellent. Thanks for healing me, you're a good doctor. Can I go now?"

"You've been out for three days," he said, "you can't wake up and suddenly feel 'excellent'."

Frank's eyes widened at that. Three days? He thought it was a few hours. But that doesn't change the fact that he's ok. Maybe not excellent like he told the doctor, but he has seen worse.

"I do, ok?" He said, "now I'd like to see my friend. He was with me. I need to make sure he's ok."

"What you need is to get back in that bed so we can do our routine check-up," the doctor said as he took a step towards Frank.

"I won't until you tell me if Mikey's ok," Frank said as he plated his feet on the floor and gave the doctor his most intimidating look, which seemed to not work, just like all the other times he gave that look.

The doctor sigh annoyed as he asked, "if I tell you, will you get back in that bed?" Frank nodded and the doctor looked at his clipboard, "Which one was your friend again?"

"Mikey," Frank said, starting to worry, "Mikey Way."

"He woke up the next day of the incident and is in excellent condition. He will be released later on today," he said, Frank sighing with relief, "in fact, you are the last one to wake up. I was told you were the closest to the explosion?"

"Yeah, I think I was," Frank said as he sat on the bed as promised. The doctor started checking his heartbeat as Frank asked, "what happened?"

"An explosion of some sort," the doctor replied, "took out the electricity of the whole area, is not the state. I'm surprised you kids survived without a scratch. Except of course..."

He said as he touched behind Frank's head and Frank yelped from the pain. So that's where the headache is coming from. He waited for the doctor to finish checking up whatever was causing his headache before raising a hand and touching it himself, only to feel the back of his head sewed together. Ok, he might be exaggerating a bit, there were only some small stitches.

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